Chapter 2 - Inevitable

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Author's POV

"What? Kakashree is here? Bring him in with utmost respect." Yudhishthir ordered while Aahana squirmed at her place. The soldier bowed his head and went to fulfill the task. A few minutes later, Mahamantri Vidur entered with a grim face.

"Pranipat Samrat! Pranipat Samragyi!" Mahamantri Vidur greeted out of courtesy.

"Welcome Mahamantri Vidur. May I know the reason of your sudden and unexpected arrival. If you would've informed us earlier, we would've prepared for your welcome." Yudhishthir said politely.

"Pranipat Samrat. I apologize for my sudden arrival but there is a message for you from Maharaj Dhritrashtra." Mahamantri Vidur said.

"What message Mahamantri?" Bheem asked.

"Maharaj Dhritrashtra has organized a function to honor Samrat and Samragyi. He is requested to arrive with his family to take part in the ceremony. There will be various performances of art, dance, music and various gifts for Samragyi from Maharani Gandhari." Mahamantri announced.

"That's all?" Aahana immediately said, gaining questioning gazes of everyone including her husband. He raised his eyebrows asking for her sudden impulsive question. She realized what she did and cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry for my interruption. I was just a little....I mean" she couldn't complete her sentence due to lack of good reason and wanted the earth to swallow her then and there. Yudhishthir noticed her weird behavior and decided to dismiss the court.

"The court is dismissed. Everyone except Mahamahim Karna, Yuvraj Bheem, Samragyi, all the princes and Mahamantri Vidur to kindly give us all some privacy. We wish to talk in private." Yudhishthir said politely as all the officials left leaving the family alone.

As the officials left, everyone rushed to their kakashree to take his blessings, taking off their fake royal splendor as they again felt like kids in front of kakashree Vidur.

"Kalyan ho putron, akhand Saubhagyawati bhava." He blessed boys and Aahana.

"What is this sudden invite kakashree?" Karna asked.

"Putra this doesn't seem like a ceremony invite but seems like a trap for all of you."

"A trap?" Arjun asked confused.

"Yes putra. Think about it, why would they honor the samrat after so many years. This ceremony is usually done just after the rajsuya yagya and not after so long." Kakashree's statement made everyone tense.

"What shall we do now kakashree?" Bheem asked.

"I would suggest you all to decline this invitation Putra Yudhishthir. You are the samrat of the whole Aryavart. You must be really occupied. You can make any valid reason for your and samragyi's absence." Mahamantri Vidur said.

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