Chapter 26 - War Declared

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Author's POV

The rajya sabha of Matsya was exceptionally silent today. Even though everyone including the Pandavas except Arjun, Karna, Draupadi and Aahana were present in the court, silent prevailed in the entire Sabha. Even the people present there stood silently, unlike other days when they would mutter something or the other. The pin drop silence in the court was interrupted by the loud voice of the guard who announced the arrival of Arjun after receiving a message from Hastinapur.

Draupadi clasped Aahana's ring clad hand tightly in hers to seek comfort. Those moments were nerve wrecking for everyone in the entire court as they were about to decide the fate of Aryavart. Arjun entered the court and greeted Maharaj Virat before turning to Samrat.

"Samrat, Hastinapur has denied our request of returning our possessions to us. They've stated that we appeared in front of them before sunset." He announced making everyone sigh in defeat and irritation.

"But that's a lie jyesht! Duryodhan is cheating yet again!" Nakul yelled agitated but Sahadev nodded at him to be calm.

"What did you expect from him Nakul? Deceit is in his blood." Bheem spoke through clenched teeth.

"Calm down Bheem, Nakul." Karn requested to which they sat quietly and Arjun continued.

"Samrat, now we are left with just one option and that is war." Yudhishthir clenched his fist and looked at Aahana who sat beside Draupadi. Aahana gave him an assuring nod indicating him to go ahead with their decision.

"So they are ready to destroy the entire lineage but not give back our possessions? What will our ancestors think? Their souls must be crying in heaven as they look at us." Yudhishthir expressed his dislike towards the entire situation making his brothers sigh with him too.

"Yudhishthir, their souls must be crying since their daughter in laws were insulted in their own home and they will be even more ashamed if we do not avenge their insult. And do not forget about your promise to the people of Aryavart." Karna spoke and everyone in the court couldn't agree more with the eldest Kaunteya.

"Rajkumar Karna is absolutely right Samrat. You've initiated this yagya of dharma sthapna in Aryavart. So it's obvious that it will demand ahuti (sacrifice)." King Virat added to Karna's statement, making Yudhishthir nod. He took a deep breath before facing the court.

"As the result is already in front of us, we shall not wait anymore. We shall start talking to various kingdoms to form alleys. Nakul, I want you to go to Chedi and Sahadev, you shall go to Madra." Nakul and Sahadev smiled at the thought of seeing their wives and children after so long. Their brother intentionally asked them to go the the respective kingdoms so that they can meet their wives.

"Arjun, I want you to go to Dwaraka and talk to Vasudeva. Also-" he stopped as his voice turned softer.

"Bring the children and Subhadra back. We all are dying to see all of them." Yudhishthir spoke and everyone nodded at him. Draupadi and Aahana looked at each other and smiled, finding it hard to contain their nervousness and excitement.

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