Chapter 40 - Lost Lovers

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Author's POV

For a few minutes, there was no movement from either sides. They both stood absolutely stunned, their gaze boring into each other's soul. Raghav opened his mouth to say something but was immediately cut off by Sagarika.

"Don't say a word Rajkumar Lakshman." Sagarika spat in a venomous tone as her eyes glistened with tears of anger and betrayal. She felt betrayed, cheated upon as she saw him. The man he loved was right in front of her but not as her lover but as the murdered of her baby brother. It pierced her soul to know that the man she loved was the one who killed her brother, the man who has witnessed how close she and her brother were killed him without a thought of what would she feel. He was aware of her family's sufferings, their struggle yet he became the reason of their misery.


"Don't you dare Rajkumar. Don't you dare say a word."

Sagarika didn't let him speak afraid that he would convince her with his words just like he always did and she would forget what he did. She would forget everything and run into his arms, crying over the mountain of sorrows that had fallen over her and her family.

It would be a lie if she had not missed him. It would be a lie to say that he was not the first person she wanted to see after she saw her brother's lifeless body. She wanted to run and hide in his arms the moment she witnessed the dreadful scene. A merciless chuckle escaped her lips realizing that the person she was craving for was the reason of all her misery.

He tried to take a step forward but one glare from Sagarika made him stop dead in his tracks. He knew that right now she was not the Sagarika he had fallen in love with. Right now, she was a sister who craved for revenge, she was a daughter who wanted to avenge her parents' misery. He knew he was at fault and hence, he stood there with a defeated look, waiting to be punished.

What could be better than getting punished by your lover?

Or what could be worse than that?

"So you are the one who attacked my brother from behind while he was busy fighting four warriors all at once. You were the one who along with your father, uncles circled two young warriors and killed them by deceit. Is this what the mahamahim of Dwaraka had taught you?"

He opened his mouth to speak but Sagarika motioned him not to dare and do so with a motion of her palm.

"I feel ashamed that I were friends with you Rajkumar. Such a shameful man you are. First you lied about your identity and now you have the guts to call yourself a warrior when all you can do is cheat like your father." Such hard and venomous words coming from his lover killed him a thousand times but he knew that he deserved them. His deeds made him just like his father and this is something he deserves.

"I was bound" was all he could whispered to which she just scoffed.

"This is what explanation you give to your unholy deeds?" They both fell into complete silence for a few minutes. Raghav knew he was at fault and hence stood defeated. Sagarika looked at him as if challenging him to say that what she said was wrong. All her past memories came rushing in as her gaze softened and her shoulders slumped.

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