Chapter 34 - Purnima

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The flames of the lamps flickered in the slight breeze and the ceiling swayed slightly along with it. The flags still touched the sky as the now setting sun kissed it goodbye. The air was now filled with the slight aroma of lentils being cooked in huge pots and chappatis of various grains being cooked on large furnaces. The ladies laid out plates for dinner while men enjoyed some sura, laughing and chatting amidst the chaos. Some discussed strategies while some made fun of the opponents, some boasted about their strengths with puffed chests while some mumbled about the power of the opponent.

The King's canopy was engulfed in complete silence, just the sound of rhythmic breaths pierced the silent air around. All the seats were now occupied by the pandavas, Draupadi, Karna and Aahana. Yudhishthir, though still scared but calm by now stared blankly at the carpeted floor while his wife held his hand tightly in her warm hold. Eventhough nervous and scared herself, she tried her best to not show it.

Subhadra entered and Draupadi immediately looked at her expectedly. Subhadra could only sigh in defeat and shake her head negatively. Draupadi slumped back in her seat while Subhadra took hers.

"Where is Govind when we need him the most?" Her voice pierced through the silence. 

Before anyone could answer her, a soldier announced the arrival of the mosy awaited person.


A woman gracefully dressed in a blonde yellow lehenga and light jewelry entered in. As soon as she entered, the entire surroundings changed somehow. She carried a magical aura with her. She had a soothing yet mischievous vibrations around her. Her eyes held a certain spark that was enough to make anyone smile. For a moment, everyone forgot that she brought a storm in their lives and couldn't help but get lost in her magical aura.

"You royals are so formal I swear." She plopped on the couch not caring about greeting the king and queen sitting right in front of her. Draupadi and Subhadra couldn't help but inaudibly gasp how she pulled out a grape from the bunch kept in a basket beside her and eat with absolutely no care of the world.

"I guess we have some business to finish so shall we begin?" Karna began in a firm voice to which she smirked.

"Why mahamahim? Don't you like my company? Want to run already?" She wiggled her eyebrows and Aahana couldn't help but smile at her silly antics. Karna cleared his throat uncomfortably and sat back in his seat. Purnima shook her head and began munching on the grapes and berries.

"Purnima, will you please tell everyone what you told me?" Yudhishthir spoke, his voice now much controlled and calm.

"Why? Can't you? You have curd in your mouth or what?" She deadpanned making Arjun and Nakul chuckle. Karna gave them a stink eye and both of them fell silent, covering their chuckle with a fake cough.

"Do you all do everything with the entire population? I mean I wanted a word with two of you. So why is the entire family here?" She questioned with her mouth full of berries.

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