Chapter 30 - Reunion

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The raindrops touched the ground gently quenching it's thirst for water. The slight drizzle was more soothing to the soul than providing materialistic benefits. The clouds covered masked the setting sun that painted the sky with hues of red and pink. The silent breeze accompanying the timeless rain swayed the leaves of the trees and plants on a silent melody.

Aahana gazed at the raindrops falling on her palm, losing their existence in the small puddle of water formed in her slightly curled fingers. She inhaled deeply the soothing fragrance of the soil mixed with flowers and sighed relaxing herself in the nature's lap, not acknowledging the now constant disturbance of her heart.

A gentle voice broke her chain of thoughts as she abruptly turned around to see Vijaya standing at the door. She wiped her hands and smiled at her, welcoming her in. Vijaya and Karenumati arrived a day before yesterday along with their sons. Vijaya stood beside Aahana and looked at the periodic falling of the droplets.

"The whether is so pleasant today. The rain was really unexpected." Vijaya commented.

"Indeed. The sun was shining brightly today. No one could've guessed that it will rain by the end of the day." Vijaya hummed and drew patterns on the window sill. Aahana noticed her behavior and smiled.

"What's the message Jaya?" Aahana asked gently which startled Jaya. She knew that she had to tell the truth to Aahana but was afraid of her reaction.

"Duryodhan refused to give Indraprasth back." Vijaya announced.

Everyone was well aware of Aahana's fear and apprehensiveness towards the war. Everyone noticed her behavior and worry which she tried to conceal but failed miserably. More than anyone, she was in favor of yet not in favor of the war.

Vijaya looked at Aahana keenly, trying to comprehend her reaction when she gave none. Vijaya cleared her throat and spoke further.

"You know when I was young, my mother used to tell me that no matter what we want in our life, god has plans for us. We might not like his plans but his plans are the best for us." Aahana looked at Vijaya who was smiling softly at her which made her smile involuntarily.

"And I've heard that your brother, Dwarakadheesh is a divine being. Then what are you afraid of jiji? He won't let anything wrong happen." She spoke in a meek voice which made Aahana think.

It was true that whatever was happening was on Shri Krishna's orders but then why was she so worried and disturbed about the forthcomings of the war? As if on the queue, a soldier with Dwaraka's flag entered the palace. When Aahana and Vijaya inquired about him, they were informed that the caravan from Dwaraka will reach Matsya palace by tomorrow morning.

On hearing the news, all the workers and people were on their heels and began their assigned work. The whole palace was bustled with preparations.

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