Interlude - The Last Letter

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By now you must know who I am and by now, you must've realized the reason of my aloof behavior with you in Dwaraka. Yes, it wasn't intended but it was supposed to be that way.

When pitashree sent me to Dwaraka to learn from Guru Balram, I didn't know that I will receive one of the best gifts of my life. I came here just as a student but when I saw you, something in me stirred. Call it love at first sight?

Gurudev asked me to hide my identity from everyone because he didn't want me to face hatred for being my father's son. I know my father is not a good man Sagarika but I'm nothing like him. I hate what he does but as a son, I'm bound to serve him and follow his orders. As a warrior of the kuru army, I'm supposed to stand with my army. I'm bound.

Trust me Sagarika, it pains me as I write this to you. If you are receiving this letter, know that I'm nowhere near you, probably nowhere in the same world as you.

There was no time Sagarika when I didn't want to scream it to you how much I love you, how much you mean to me but the lover in me was always suppressed by the son and warrior in me. We were probably never meant to be together. I really wish I could change this my love. I wish we could just run far away from this rivalry and live peacefully, just the two of us but looks like fate had some different plans.

Do not worry my love. I would come back, if not in this world then the next one but I would. I would come back and claim you as mine in front of the entire world, only of you permit.

You might hate me now Sagarika but please try to not. I've loved you like I've loved no one. From our first meet to our last, I remember each and every detail of the moments we lived together.

Unfortunately, they are all I have and all I will be having. But I have faith in our love.

If not now, we will meet again when the circumstances are not against us and even if they are, we will make them favorable.

We will be together.

Destiny has provoked as and there is no other thing as powerful as provoked lovers.

Take care my love.

Goodbye for now

~ Raghav

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