Chapter 24 - Justification

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A very important note at last

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A very important note at last. Please do read and react to it.

A very long chapter ahead

Author's POV

Dwarakadheesh and Dwarkeshwari sat in their chambers at the time of dusk. The birds returned to their abodes with a few seeds held in theeir beaks for their children waiting for them in anticipation. The waves of the sea hit the shore creating a perfect symphony with the sounds of birds and people returning to their homes after work. The utensils clattered against each other while the women of the house prepared the supper and kids helped their mother in an urge to earn a penny or two as prize.

Shri Krishna laid on his bed with a usual serene expression on his face while Maharani Rukmini played mindlessly with the silk threads oozing out of the embroidery from her red cotton saree. Her trance was interrupted by a familiar voice that she was accustomed of hearing since ages.

"Chanchala, is everything alright? You seem very quiet today." Shri Krishna called her, fondness and mischief dripping his honey dew voice. Rukmini maa huffed at his tone.

"Don't pretend to be so naïve dev

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"Don't pretend to be so naïve dev. You know what I'm thinking about." She said and continued playing with the threads of her dress, not bothering the mess that it created.

"Chanchala, why do you think that I know everything?" He asked opening his eyes to which she rolled hers.

"Arya, is there anything you do not know in this world? You are Narayan. You know everything." Shri Krishna chuckled at his wife's words which irked her even more.

"Chanchala, I might be Narayan but you are Narayani. No matter what position a husband holds, he can never surpass his wife and her mind." He said wrapping his arm around her. Rukmini maa grumbled and leaned into his touch, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Arya you know that the time span of 8 years is over. Anytime the kids will be called back by their parents."

"What is wrong in that priye? It was supposed to happen right?" He asked confused. Mata Rukmini took a deep breath and closed her watery eyes.

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