Ending Note

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First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey. I can't thank you guys enough for the support and patience you guys have shown. It's so overwhelming.

Even when I was so irregular and not professional with it, you guys supported me throughout.

There are a lot of people I need to thank but I won't be able to mention all of you. Just so you guys know, each and everyone of my reader is important to me. I mean it. I read all your comments and I see who all vote. I know people who have been reading and voting since day one. Seriously guys. Thank you so much. I recognize you all and I wait for your votes and comments.

I know I have to update Drowned and Provoked too but I won't be doing it now. I would need some time before I decide on their plots and begin writing them. Hopefully, it will be soon but I don't know when.

Special shout out to mythooolover and vampressXXX for being my constant supporters. Thank you for listening to my trash and always supporting the book. I am not exaggerating when I say they literally decided on the plot with me.

Special mentions to nerd_positive for being an amazing critique and supporter throughout.

It's overwhelming how this journey began and how it's going. Seriously guys, thank you so so so much.

Last but not the least, I have an alternate ending of the book too. Let me know if you want to read it. I might write it for you. Let me know if you want bonus chapters.

At last, do try to give a review of the book please. It would be highly appreciated.

Thank you once again guys. I can't express what I'm feeling right now.

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