Chapter 39 - Revenge

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Author's POV

The warriors raised their glasses filled with liquor waiting for their head to raise a toast on today's victory. The camp was buzzing with celebrations on achieving a big milestone on the field today.

"This was a perfect revenge my friend. We broke their army not only physically but broke them emotionally too. There is no way that they will have will to fight us now." Angraj Ripudaman spoke with a victorious glint in his eyes and a smirk of pride. Duryodhan agreed by nodding his head.

"Indeed my friend. After the downfall of Pitamah, this was much needed, to break them emotionally. In this, I'm extremely proud of my son who played a major role in all this. Son, come here." With his glass of wine raised, Duryodhan motioned his son, Lakshman to come forward.

Lakshman passed a small smile to his father and moved towards him. Duryodhan held his hand and raised it high as a sign of triumph.

"To my brave son, Lakshman." Everyone cheered and drank from their glasses. Some readily accepted more wine served to them and some just took the entire pitcher and drank without a care in the world.

The scenario of the other camp set up on the opposite side was however contrasting to the one in kuru camp.

Yudhishthir placed his now dead son carefully on the hay bed. He gently laid him down, careful as not to hurt him as if he would feel anything anymore. He looked at his face, his eyes closed, mouth slightly ajar as if he was in deep sleep just like he was when he was born, wrapped in a blue blanket. That day, just like how he placed him in a cradle and admired his sleeping baby, today he was admiring the warrior who was fast asleep after a tiresome battle.

Yudhishthir felt his wife sitting opposite to him, on the other side of their son. They both could hear loud wailings of people around them on the death of their beloved prince and their probable king. No sound reached their ears as they both patiently looked at their first born in silence, hoping that he would open his eyes just like he did after Yudhishthir placed him in Aahana's arms for the first time and would look at them with the same curious gaze before holding their fingers and giggling.

Subhadra sat beside Aahana and held her shoulders which had no effect on her. Sagarika looked at his baby brother who was too silent for her liking. For the first time, she wanted him to pull her hair. More than Aahana, she had lived his childhood with him. She had been there with him when he needed a mother. Subhadra too couldn't digest the fact that the son who used to hold her dupatta and follow her in the entire palace would no longer do that.

"Maasi maa"

Abhimanyu whispered as he sat beside Aahana who sat there like a statue gawking at her son's face.

"I told him to not come with me on my chariot but your stubborn son wouldn't listen to me. I'm sorry maa. I-" Abhimanyu couldn't complete as he broke into loud sobs, hiding his face in Aahana's shoulder. To everyone's shock, she didn't shed a tear, didn't move or react when Abhimanyu did so.

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