Chapter 28 - Silence

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Author's POV

The entire town of Dwaraka was hovered by dark clouds ready to pour out any moment. The people decided to call it a day even before sunset fearing heavy rains and storms. It was as if the whether of Dwaraka was cursed by arrival of the princes of Hastinapur a few days back. To say that Mahabali Balram was angry would be an understatement. He wad livid and ready to kill each and everyone who came from Hastinapur, be it humans or animals. Shri Krishna, however stopped his brother from doing any such thing and just go with the flow.

Duryodhan, surely learned some of the art of words from his uncle after living with him for almost his entire life, convinced Dau that he was not the only one who was wrong and shouldn't be punished alone too. If he broke the rules then elders should've stopped the game and as they didn't, what wrong actually happened in the game? He even convinced him that he was wronged since his childhood ad everyone in the family were partial towards Yudhishthir and how he was denied rights as the future prince. Though not really convinced by his once favorite disciple, Dau knew that Duryodhan was not only the one who as wrong. If Duryodhan was at fault, the other people present in the court were to be blamed too, pandavas were to be blamed too. If the foundation of a home is weak, no matter how much people make an effort, the house will eventually succumb to nothing. Dau, then took a decision to which Shri Krishna agreed too that no one from Dwaraka would take part in this war and that the Narayani Sena will not fight against the kauravas.

Though, everyone believes that he should've taken part in the war as all his sisters were suffering because of the kauravas but didn't. Before being a brother on this earth, he was aadi shesh who didn't come here to please everyone. He was here for dharma sthapana. The side with which he will stand will definitely win the war and it was no doubt. It was clear that if he sided with kauravas, he will side with adharma and worse of all, he might even have to fight Krishna. If aadi shesh fights with Narayan, the results will be hazardous. So to avoid all the mishaps that could occur, he stepped away from the war.

Dhananjaya entered the borders of Dwaraka and smiled smelling the familiar fragrance of soil and flowers of Dwaraka. He now realized how much he missed this place. Dwaraka had a special place not only in his life but his heart too. He found a certain peace at this place. Just the sound of waves slapping the sea shore rhythmically, the soft breeze creating a beautiful music with the branches of the tree were enough to calm anyone's soul. The serenity that Dwaraka held was undescribable.

Arjun looked around in search of some water body to quench his thirst when he spotted a well nearby. Walking towards the well, he spotted a girl in her teens who caressed the calf's head while feeding her some fress grass. The girl looked up when she felt footsteps approaching her.

"Pranipat kumar. How may I help you?" The girl in her teens greeted Arjun, unaware of his identity.

"I've been traveling since days. I'm thirsty and need some water. Could you help me with some?" The girl smiled and brought an earthen pot filled with water. Arjun thanked the girl after he drank enough water to quench his thirst. Before he could as her name, he heard a different yet familiar voice.

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