Chapter 42 - Siblings Alike

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Author's POV

Sound of footsteps came to a halt in the silent room followed by a silent thud sound. If not for the silence in the room, the entrance of certain someone would've gone unnoticed. The disturbed breathings were heard in the killing silence with the smell of burning flesh still fresh in the air.

"Why are you here now?" The voice cracked having heard after long. Her voice was hoarse and heavy from not speaking forever.

"Are you here to laugh at me? Taunt me for not agreeing with you?" Shri Balram noticed the dead voice of her sister. The last time he saw her, she was in the same condition.

Her long hair sprawled on her back as if not made since forever. A few of her bangles broken with dried blood marring her wrists. Her saree, half undone hanging loosely around her petite and weak body. If not known earlier who she was, anyone would've taken her for a woman on her death bed. She had no care of her disheveled state. The queen of Aryavart lied on a small piece of ground awaiting her death.

"You are mistaken. I'm neither here to laugh at you nor am I here to taunt you. I'm here to ask my sister how she is." His gentle words were followed by an air piercing and laughter. Aahana threw her head back and laughed out loud gazing at the ceiling. She doubled in laughter as the corner of her eyes teared up due to it.

After a few minutes, her laughter died down as she continued gazing at the ceiling while keeping a hand on her racing heart. She took a few deep breaths before looking at her brother. Shri Balram then noticed her eyes. He was shocked to the core would be an understatement. He was taken aback by what he saw.

He clearly remembered the day when the series of mishappening began. If someone told him that day that he would witness even worse condition of his sister, he would've have believed it. Today he saw her eyes having lost all the shine and hope to live. In her tear filled eyes swam the melancholy and the lost dreams. The red puffy eyes that held nothing but an ocean of despair was screaming at him that it was yet another soul who had to bear the burnt of Narayan's leela. For a minute, he detested his existence and position as a God. Had he been a normal human, he would've been able to stand up and question Dwarakadheesh but he was well aware that he couldn't.

"You know Aahana that it was all meant to he. We all are doing our part, fulfilling our responsibilities. That's what we are doing. You have to be strong. We have duties to fulfill." He saw a few tears dripping out of Aahana's eyes.

"Comes from a person who broke all ties with his so-called-sister because she decided to stay back and fulfill her duties like she was supposed to." Aahana's words made Shri Balram tongue tied. He couldn't say anything further as he stayed mum. He shifted and sat with his back supported by the bed just like Aahana.

"Looks like we both are same then. Like brother, like sister. We say things to others but do not do it ourselves." Both of them kept staring at the canvas of the tent in front of them. The embroidery swayed along with the deadly winds of kurkshetra as if swaying with the last breaths of the dead.

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