Chapter 31 - Purpose

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

A few days passed in bliss for the entire family of Maharaj Pandu. The children reunited with their parents. The kaunteyas and their wives didn't miss a single opportunity to spend time with their kids and pamper them. They wanted to live the time they've missed in all these years. Maybe just for a few days, but they did forget about all the revenge, the hatred, the insult, everything and enjoyed some moments of bliss that they hardly got as royals of the Kuru clan.

Aahana and Draupadi didn't let a single chance slide out of their hands in pampering their kids. They cooked for them, played with them, slept with them and even guided them on various issues. At times, they did get envious on how the kids were extremely close to Subhadra and Mauravi but soon reminded themselves that it was natural because they've been there for them when both of them were in exile. They reminded themselves to be grateful of both the ladies.

Though they wanted to give equal attention to all their kids, Aahana was more inclined towards the twins and Draupadi was more attentive towards  Arnav as they were the youngest and they hardly had anytime to bond with their parents. Yudhishthir spent most of his free time with Sagarika teaching her weapons, listening to all her stories from Dwaraka and everything that they did in all these years. It was like they were living their best of lives.

After few days of their arrival, Maharaj Virat offered Uttara'a hand in marriage to Arjun for two reasons - one being that he was extremely humbled by the help and protection Arjun provided them during the war and second - Arjun lived in the women quarters during his entire agyatvas. This would result in fingers being pointed at the chastity and honor of their daughter Uttara. Arjun explained that he couldn't marry Uttara as she was like a daughter to him but promised that he would accept her as their daughter in law by getting Abhimanyu and Uttara married before the war commenced.

In the next coming weeks, Uttara and Abhimanyu were married in a lavish yet closed knit ceremony with just family and a few close friends and relatives. It was a pleasant time for the entire family as they rejoiced and celebrated for the first time together.

"Maa, now Abhimanyu is married. Now his tail will be left behind. That's sad." Padmanabh pouted dramatically as he rested his head on his mother's shoulder.

Draupadi and Aahana sat in a large room with their kids around them. Uttara and Subhadra were busy with Maharani Sudheshna and hence they both decided to steal some time for their family.

"What do you mean Padmanabh?" Draupadi asked confused at her son's words.

"In Dwaraka, Abhimanyu and Anant always stuck together. Now I don't think Uttara will like it. So, Abhi will have to leave his first wife behind for his relation to bloom with Uttara." Anant smashed a cushion on Padmanabh's face as the room erupted in fits of laughter.

"You are highly mistaken here Bhratashree. Anant is not my tail but he is someone else's tail." Abhimanyu smirked making Anant furrow his eyebrows together in confusion.

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