Chapter 29 - White Lotus

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Author's Note

The dark of the night prevailed with the moon shining brightly over the palace of Dwaraka. The gold walls reflected perfectly in the dim moonlight as the army of guards and soldiers stood at their respective places, doing their duty with utmost honestly. While some stood in complete silence, some of them talked in hushed tones to pass the night which seemed extremely long today.

Even in this silent night, an army of workers was awake, preparing for the departure of the royal family as soon as the sun grazes the morning sky. Some royals laid awake, tossing and turning on the bed nervous about the upcoming events. Some nervous about meeting their parents for the first time while some excited about meeting their family after so long, some anxious about their secrets being revealed while some upset over leaving this family behind to reunite with their actual family.

After meeting Subhadra that day, Arjun immediately rushed to meet Dau who had already declared that no one from Dwaraka will raise weapons against Kauravas. Arjun then requested to Shri Krishna to persuade Dau into siding with them. However, even after lot of persuasion, Dau agreed that Narayan sena will take part in war but not him. He declared that the first one out of Duryodhan and Arjun to approach Shri Krishna will be worthy of his help.

Meanwhile, even Shri Krishna put forth a condition that the first one to appear in front of him will be able to demand whatever they want. Duryodhan reached first and sat on the large settee kept adjacent to the head of Shri Krishna's bed who was sleeping then. Arjun entered a few minutes later and decided to sit on the floor, at the foot of the bed instead of the settee. When Shri Krishna woke up, he spotted Arjun first and asked him to keep his demand in front of him. However Duryodhan argued that he was the one who first entered the room.

Shri Krishna refused his words as the first one to 'appear' in front of was Arjun and not Duryodhan. Shri Krishna then declared that he will not fight with Narayani sena but against his own army and he will not raise any of his weapon. So the choice was between him without weapons or Narayani Sena with weapons.

Arjun, very humbly bowed in front of Shri Krishna and stated

'I cannot demand you Madhav. You are no possession to be demanded. You are a blessing. I can only request you to bless this poor man. Hence, I request you to side with us Madhav, with or without weapons, we do not care.'

Extremely touched by Arjun's gesture, Shri Krishna readily accepted his proposal. Duryodhan, on the other hand was extremely elated at Arjun's choice as he gets one more well equipped army on his side, assuring his win. This was everyone's words were respected - no one will raise from Narayani Sena will raise weapons against Kauravas as said by dau, Duryodhan got the army he so wanted and Arjun got Shri Krishna.

Sagarika stood at the window gazing at the moon while fidgeting with the pendant around her neck. Since that day, she didn't see Duryodhan and she was thankful for that. She had no intentions of meeting her mothers' culprits. She wouldn't be able to control herself once she meets any of them, be it Pitamah or anyone. She sighed and shifted her gaze to the pond in the garden reflecting perfect silver light with lotuses of various colors floating freely in it. The soft winds of the night brushed a few strands of her hair making her rubs her palms against each other.

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