Chapter 36 - Unexpected Arrival

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Author's POV

In the pin drop silence of the night, the cutlery sang it's own rhyme while the grains of rice in them remained untouched. The enticing smell of the perfectly cooked lentils didn't work for the grumbling stomachs. All that could be heard was the sound of tired breaths and clattering of utensils. Dhananjay looked up from his untouched plate to expectedly look at his only confidante in this state but found him busy with his meal, with a sombre and serious expression. He sighed again, guilt clawing his heart as he denied the dasi who offered him more rice.

"Today-" Karna began but found no words suitable enough to continue his statement, all the thoughts running in his head. Again the silence consumed the room. All the ladies looked very uncomfortable with this exchange. Subhadra elbowed Draupadi slightly to break the ice. Panchali licked her suddenly dry lips and spoke to her friend who had a grim expression.

"Govind, what now? The spirits of everyone is almost dead. We have suffered a lot of losses already. The infirmary is full of the injured and dead. This way, our loss is not far."

Her words were enough for everyone to sigh tiredly.

"Sakhi, I have no clue about this. Everyone here knows where they lack as warriors. I am just a charioteer." Shri Krishna answered.

"But you are also our strategist bhratashree. You have been a guide to everyone. Now we need your guidance. Your family needs your guidance." Subhadra intervened to which Shri Krishna chuckled softly.

"I'm a family to all who consider me one Bhadra. If one seeks my guidance, one also has to follow what I say." He said giving a knowing look to certain someone who cowered away in guilt, very much aware of his fault.

"Vasudev, we will always listen to what you say. Your words are like orders of almighty for us." Yudhishthir spoke.

"Are they jyesht? I doubt that now."

"Bhrata Krishna, why do you say so?" Nakul asked slightly taken aback by Shri Krishna's sarcastic tone.

"I apologize Madhav." Shri Krishna's one side of lips tugged up in a smirk hearing the familiar voice.

"I know I didn't fight with my full power and honesty today. I lacked in my art of warfare and disappointed you. I sincerely apologize for that." Arjun confessed.

"What are you saying Arjun? This is definitely not true. You are the best warrior." Karna spoke at Arjun's confession.

"No jyesht bharata, I didn't fight with all of my ability. I held myself back. I just couldn't fight pitamah." Arjun explained and a knowing expression crossed everyone's face.

"Arjun is right here Vasudev. None of us can raise our weapon against pitamah. He has been our father, our mentor, our guru, our guide. How can we just kill him because he decided to side with our enemies due to his vows?" Bheem spoke, helplessness evident in his tired voice.

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