Chapter 44 - Blood Bath

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Fire, a weird state that makes it's presence go unnoticed when in limit but is a state that is synonymous to death if limitless.

A state that is everywhere, can be felt everywhere, as an element of humans, it doesn't leave them, be it outside or inside. There is always a burning inferno in us. Same state in all but different in all, the intensity can't be felt. It's different for all, painful for all.

This inferno is limitless, having the power to ignite the sky with empire's name to burning it down to ashes.

There was fire. Fire all around the land of kurukshetra. Not just around but within the land of kurukshetra, the dharmakshetra.

The chariots burned, the death bodies burned, the flames reaching high. So did the flames of inferno in everyone's hearts. Fire of hatred, of justice, of revenge, of destruction and righteousness.

Lovers burnt, houses burnt, families burnt, battlefield and hearts burnt the spark of which started from disrespect of a woman.

Or was it that the disrespect just blazed the spark into uncontrollable fire?

No one knew and now, after all this, it didn't matter either.  The reasons of this massacre, the justice, nothing mattered. All that mattered now was winning. No rules, no righteousness, just winning.

The day had come, the day when one such person would win who didn't fight but laid the foundation of this battleground. The one who became the woosh of air for the spark to turn ablaze. Without picking up a weapon even once, she became the power which clashed the weapons and made them slash the enemy's body.

It was time for promises to be fulfilled and the war to end.

Draupadi, with her head held high waited as she sat on the rock near to the battlefield. Her eyes held the same fire from when she was born, the one which made her yagyaseni in true sense. The sun was about to set. Vijaya and Aahana shared a look as the sun almost disappeared in the horizon. The whsipered have started that her husband will yet again break his promise to her but she knew, the queen knew that this time her husband wouldn't make her a piece of mockery.


Panchali got up at one instant, her hopeful eyes now filled with pride. Karenumati gasped, Kunti held the rudraksh beads in her hand even more tightly, Devika's grip on her dupatta tightened and Subhadra closed her eyes for a spilt second. All the dasis, other women gasped and stepped back looking at the demonic ways of their rajkumar.

He looked like a demon on rampage. His eyes red with anger and rest of the body, with blood but not his. Someone else's. His teeth looked like canines of a lion who came to his den after a good day in forest. Like a lion, he did bring a gift for his lioness. He quickly marched towards Draupadi. His tall and bulky stature towered over her and he spilled the contents of his palms on her head, as if painting a blank canvas red.

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