Chapter 13 - Slow Poison

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The eight of them walked into the deep forests barefoot. The ones who walked on velvety carpets were now walking on thorns and stones. Aahana and Draupadi walked in the middle followed by Yudhishthir, Arjun and Bheem. Karna, Nakul and Sahadev walked in the front.

It's been three days since they've been walking. Three days since Aahana talked to Yudhishthir. Yudhishthir tried to help her whenever thorns pricked her feet but was met by a shrug and silent treatment. After a tough traveling of three days, they finally reached a spot where they could live. It was decided that they would make three huts as it was not appropriate for women to live with their elder brother in laws all the time. At the same time, it was not safe for Draupadi and Aahana to stay alone in one.

In no time, all of them started working in order to build the hut. Some of them collected hay, some collected dry grass, one of them started making essential utensils out of mud while other cleaned the place. While walking back to the place, a thorn pricked Aahana's feet as she let out a whimper before she sat on a nearby rock.

"Aahana!" Yudhishthir immediately rushed to her and bent down in front of her, taking her injured foot in his hand.

"You should've been careful Aahana. See, so much of blood is oozing out. I'll take this thorn out. You stay still okay." His hands shivered as he held the thorn and took it out gently. Aahana cried in pain, shutting her eyes tightly.

"Now you should sit. We will work. I'll get some medicinal paste for you." He tied her wound with a piece of his uttariya.

"No need. I'm fine." She mumbled monotonously and got up with wobbly steps.

"Aahana please let me help you." His voice sounded extremely vulnerable and soft.

"I've learned to help myself. I don't need anyone's assistance now. Thank you for the cloth." as she started leaving, Yudhishthir held her wrist in a soft grip.

"Don't distance yourself from me Aahana. Please." the way he spoke, she just wanted to embrace him. But slap him at the same time. Her throat constricted as words refused to leave her mouth. She just shrugged out of his hold and left. Yudhishthir closed his eyes as a lone tear escaped his eye.

Everything was done by one pahar as everyone entered their respective huts except Aahana and Draupadi who stood outside.

"Jiji, you should rest today. You are hurt. I'll make today's meal." Draupadi offered.

"No Draupadi. We all have worked hard. Even you are tired. We'll do it together, don't worry."

"Jiji, we have eight years to work together. At some days, I might not work. Then you will have to manage everything. But today, please rest. You need it." Draupadi tried to lighten the atmosphere as Aahana chuckled.

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