Chapter 19 - Wait

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Important note at the end of the chapter

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Important note at the end of the chapter. Do react.


Author's POV

Walking through the familiar corridors of the extravagant palace, the king reached his sister's chamber. He smiled at the scene in front him as he noticed his sister running after her son.

"Mamashree save me!" The boy immediately rushed to his uncle and hid behind him.

"Not again bhratashree. You always save him. Not today." His mother tried to reach her son but he dashed out of the room almost immediately.

"Renu, he's a kid. Let him be." Dhrishtaketu side hugged his sister who huffed in return.

"You've spoiled him bhratashree. He's acting just like his father-" she stopped abruptly as the words escaped her mouth involuntarily. Dhrishtaketu sighed and held her hand.

"Renu, it's obvious that he'll be like his father."

"I know I know." She sighed and wiped the stray tear that escaped her eye.

" She sighed and wiped the stray tear that escaped her eye

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"Don't worry Renu. Their incognito time is about to get over in a few days. Soon they all will be back and justice will be served." He kept a hand on her head and she nodded.

No matter how good she masked her pain and hurt in these eight years, her brother always caught her fake facade. All his attempts failed in keeping her genuinely. He sighed as the medicine to her pain was not with him. He only wished and prayed for the successful incognito of sons of Kunti and their wives.


With the break of dawn in the city of Dwaraka, women and girls of all homes gathered near the well to fetch water for the day. While several ladies gossiped, a young girl let out a frustrated sigh, waiting for her turn to come. As soon as her turn came, she quickly filled the two earthern pots to the brim and kept them on her head, leaving for the forest.

She bite her tongue occasionally as water threatened to spill out of the earthern pots on her head. She heaved a sigh of relief on reaching the forest. After keeping the earthen pots on one side, she wiped the few sweat beads on her forest while she waited for her friends to come.

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