Chapter 25 - Memories

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Author's POV

A pair of brown orbs gazed at the full moon shining brightly in the ebony sky. Her toes pushed the ground then and now as she continued to swing softly on the large swing decorated with flowers. A few hair strands that slipped out of her tight braid swayed with the wind, disturbing her then and now.

The calm of the night was contrasting to the turmoil within her. Numerous fears made a home in her heart and juggled themselves in a weird fashion, trapping her within them. On one side the thought of the massive destruction that this war would bring was clawing her heart while one the other side the fact that brothers would kill brothers churned her insides.

On one side she wanted justice, wanted to punish the ones who wronged women and cheated on their own brothers while on the other side she knew none of this would matter. In future, all the messages that they wanted to give would just turn into mere facts and texts of a few pages. In future, no one would perceive the message but would just read it as a story, a history or maybe a mythology. If the future was worse than this, then what was the point of doing all this?

If she kept all these things aside, a new fear creped her. The mother within her was terrified to meet hee children. She wanted to meet them but at the same time didn't have the guts to face them. What would she tell them? Where were their parents? Why did they leave them alone abruptly and now came back like nothing happened? Why were they punished? And the worst of all, will they even recognize her as their mother? What if they found the comfort expected from a mother in some other woman? After all they were surrounded by ashtabharyas - mothers of entire world, Subhadra - the one who always took care of them, Mata Devaki and the list is endless. What if they are upset with her? What will she do?

In all this inner chaos, she didn't feel the disturbance in the outer world. Dharmraj entered the chamber without making any noise. After changing into a comfortable wear, he sat beside his wife in complete silence. Padmakshi snapped out of her thoughts as his arm touched her arm slightly. Both of them didn't say any word and kept gazing at the sky. The only sound heard was of the blowing winds and their breathes.

There was a certain comfort blended with a little discomfort. A lot was to be said but silence was preferred over words of justification. A lot was to be discussed but they chose silence and their proximity to solve the problem. Either it would complicate the things or would solve it. There was a certain confusion that surrounded them. They had a lot to say but at the same time found no words to enunciate.

After long moments of silence, Aahana laid her head on his shoulder tiredly. He didn't speak a word but his heart fluttered at hee gesture, the gesture which was probably not new but was rare in these times. Especially after that massacre. He sat still and stiff, not moving a bit, afraid that a slight change in his posture would make her retrieve herself from him.

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