Chapter 27 - No injustice

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Author's POV


Dau was caught off guard at the sudden disturbance in the pin drop silence. He wiped the lone tear that escaped his eye before anyone could notice it but Sagarika was quick to see his attempt of hiding his emotions from then. Even Padmanabh noticed his action which made him worried about his uncle.

"Sagarika, Padmanabh, why are you standing there? Come." He nodded at them and they stood on his either sides. Three of them fell into complete silence as they stood gawking at the entrance of Dwaraka.

"I know you are here to meet Kanha but he's not here. He went to a neighboring kingdom for some political issue and will be back by tomorrow." Dau answered their unasked question to which they hummed silently. The three of them stood silently with Dau in between both the kids. Sagarika and Padmanabh gave each other occasional and confused glances whether to leave or stand there. For some reason, they thought Dau would say something further.

"You know Sagarika, Padmanabh, when Aahana and Pandavas came here after Varnavrat along with Draupadi, Karna and Bua Kunti, we irritated Aahana so much that she almost cried at one point." Dau chuckled and both the kids looked at him confused. It was rare for Mahabali Balram to talk about such things so casually. It was not often that he spoke his heart to anyone.

"You know before she could cry, I immediately embraced her and apologized infinite number of times. I even scolded Kanha for irritating her all the time." Dau let out a watery chuckle and the kids stood there dumbfounded. They tried to understand the point of this conversation but failed to do so.

"Arya" A soft voice interrupted the three of them. Dau immediately wiped a tear that was threatening to escape his eye without anyone's notice.

"Yes Revati, tell me." He asked after the kids greeted Rani Revati.

"Arya, your assistance is required in the court. As Krishna is not here, Rukmini wanted you to help in some political matter." Wife of Balram dau informed to which he nodded.

"I'll go right away." He left almost immediately, maintaining his stoic expression. Rani Revati looked at the retrieving figure of her husband and sighed.

"Mamishree!" Sagarika called and rushed to her followed by Padmanabh.

"Mamishree, is mamashree Balram alright?" She asked.

"He seem very tensed mamishree. We've never seen him so lost and distressed." Padmanabh added.

"Since the day the news of Arjun's arrival has reached Dwaraka, he keeps gawking at the entrance to see if he's here or not. He's waiting for one news about Ana." Rani Revati said with a voice laden with grief and worry for her husband.

"He's worried about choti maa? But I thought he was angry with her and I've heard that he even cut ties with maa. Then?" Padmanabh voiced his confusion to which Revati faced both the kids with a small smile on her face.

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