Chapter 45 - The End

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Author's POV

The breezy night was agonizingly silent today. As the minutes passed, it became more dreadful. The result had been declared. It was all over. Along with the burning pyres of one side, the winning torch of the other side had been lit.

The mighty warrior now laid on the ground, without moving. His wife sat alongside him in a disheveled state, tresses down hee back, her kumkum smeared and bangles broken. The beads of her chudamani were scattered. Karna couldn't see his friend's wife in this state. He wiped his tears as he saw his once-friend, the mighty warrior lying lifeless. Never did he imagine that this would be his end. Pandavas too were grief ridden. After all, all enmity is lost after one's death.

Aahana, Draupadi and Subhadra stood at a far corner, away from the public eye. Aahana's gaze was fixed onto Shakuni's deadbody which lied beside Duryodhan's.

When Sahadev presented his head to her, her sadistic side was oddly satisfied. She was satisfied by the fact that no further conspiracies will brew in this ground from now on. With due respect, she asked Sahadev to hand over his body to his family for his last rites.

"Putra! Where is he?" a familiar voice pierced through the silence aa Gandhari stumbled her way towards her son. Kunti tried to balance her but Gandhari paid no heed to her.

"Duryodhan! Putra where are you?" She stumbled and fell onto the ground. She touched the barrier to see what made her fall.

"Bhanumati? Where is your husband putri? And why are you crying? Don't worry putri. I've given all the fruit of my penance to him. Nothing would happen to him." Gandhari pacified Bhanumati on feeling her dried tears. Taking Gandhari's hand that was on Bhanumati's face, she brought it to Duryodhan's face. On feeling her son's face, Gandhari's hand stopped at it's place.

"Putra?" she whispered as she breathed heavily. Holding onto her son's face, she screamed out loud and began wailing like a banshee. She sobbed loud as her cries made Kunti cry with her. Pandavas and Karna too felt sorry for her.

Gandhari got up and tried to make her way towards Shakuni. As her legs gave out, she was held by Karna.

"Mata please, please calm down. Try to hold your emotions." a few tears escaped his eyes too as he saw Gandhari in that state.

While he was friends with Duryodhan, Gandhari treated him like his own son. Never did she let him miss Radha maa. She always said that along with Duryodhan and Dushasan, he is also like her son.

"Karna?" Gandhari asked as she felt the familiar touch after ages.

"Yes mata, it's me. Your son Karna." As soon as he completed his words, he was shoved back with a force. Gandhari was now fuming with anger.

"How dare you call me mata? What have you done to call me that?" She screamed in his direction as he was taken aback by her sudden outburst.


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