Chapter 46 - Hastinapur

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Author's POV

After a wait that felt like eternity, the heyday had finally arrived in the kingdom of Hastinapur. Finally the rightful heir of the throne would adorn the throne. The sacrifices of millions, the wait of eternity was now bearing the fruit.

The palace of Hastinapur was decked up like a newly wed. It was as if it was a rebirth of the entire Aryavart. The entire kingdom was celebrating today. It wasn't gloomy like the previous days. The dark clouds have been cleared for the light to finally reach it's destination. Flowers, gold, garlands, intricate carpets, extraordinary sculptures beautified the entire palace. In the temple of the palace, learned brahmins and sages perfomed yagya and hom to purify the surrounding and remove any bad omen. The assembly hall was a whole new world. Rangolis were made, dancers danced on the tunes of sitar and dholak. It was as if the entire planet was rejoiced.

Arjun overlooked the preparations from the balcony of a corridor. He sighed remembering the mishap that happened when the entered the palace of Hastinapur. Again it was Shri Krishna who saved the day by bringing a statue similar to Bheem to save him from Dhritrashtra's wrath. If it wasn't for him, Dhritrashtra would've killed Bheem, avenging his son's death.


He closed his eyes for a brief moment as the flashback again hit him hard. His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice as he diverted his attention towards the source of it.

"Arjun, guests from all over Aryavart are coming. You should be welcoming them rather than standing here all alone." Karna walked towards Arjun while schooling him who in return just nodded silently and began walking towards the exit. Karna frowned at his brother's behavior. He has been noticing the change in him but had no time to speak about it.

"Arjun wait." Arjun's steps halted as Karna came in front of him.

"Arjun, what's wrong." Arjun avoided his elder brother's gaze who held his shoulder in a comforting manner.

"You can share anything with me anuj. Tell me what is bothering you. I've been noticing you since days. Dare you say nothing is wrong." Karna warned him making Arjun sigh. There was no escaping his elder brother now. Gathering courage, Arjun spoke.

"I can't get over the fact that I killed Ripudaman by unfair means." Arjun mumbled. If not for Karna paying attention to him, he would've missed what Arjun was saying.

"What?" Karna asked confused.

"His Chariot's tyre was stuck, he had no weapons, he was in no condition to fight. He was not on his chariot as well." Arjun took shallow breaths as he recalled the entire scenario.

"Arjun breathe" Karna tried to comfort his brother. After a few minutes, when Arjun was back to his normal self, Karna spoke.

"Arjun, what you did was for a purpose, a purpose that held a lot of importance. What you did was not an act of cowardice but an act of importance." Arjun listened keenly to what Karna said.

"Moreover, Krishna was with you. You have nothing to worry about." Arjun smiled a little at the mention of his best friend. Talking to his elder brother relieved his worry a little.

"Thank you jyesht." Karna smiled and joked.

"Now if you are done with the formalities, can we please get going? I don't want to miss the rajya abhishek. Worked quite hard for it." Both the brothers chuckled before making their way towards the assembly hall.

As everyone had already reached the hall, the darban announced the arrival of Yudhishthir and Aahana. Everyone in the hall stood up to pay their respects. On reaching, Aahana walked towards the podium where Draupadi, Subhadra, Devika and other women sat. All the women greeted Aahana who politely greeted them back.

Then came the moment everyone had been waiting for. The entire hall reverberated loudly with the chants of vedic mantras as the kul guru instructed the process of rajya abhishek. Yudhishthir was bathed by panchamrit and dressed with intricate jewelry and silk shawl. Following that, Aahana and Yudhishthir performed yagya to please all gods above and to guide them to rule their kingdom with righteousness and justice. Other members of the family too joined the yagya.

"Now that all rituals are done, I request Maharaj Dhritrashtra to crown Yudhishthir as the samrat." Mahamantri Vidur spoke after the successful completion of the yagya. The air smelled of camphor, flowers and dhoop. It was a pleasant and calming fragrance, fragrance of positivity.

"Vidur, I sure am the king but someone else deserves the honor to crown Yudhishthir as the king." Everyone present in the assembly frowned at his absurd request. On being questioned on why he was saying so, Dhritrashtra answered.

"I might be the king but I have done deeds in my life that don't make me one. I've committed sins. Hence, I don't think I'm the right person to crown the emperor. This change, this moment marks the establishment of righteousness and it should be done by only one person." Dhritrashtra whispered something in Sanjay's ear who directed him towards Shri Krishna.

"Vasudev, please do the honors." Everyone smiled and agreed with Dhritrashtra's suggestions.

The drums got louder, the dancers increased their tempo, chants grew louder and coch shells blew as  Shri Krishna came forward to picked up the crown. The smiles of people conveyed satisfaction, genuine happiness and a sense of victory as Shri Krishna brought the crown to Yudhishthir's head. Yudhishthir's eyes met with his wife's who smiled and blinked at him in assurance. Before Shri Krisha could place thr crown at its desired and appropriate destination, a shrill cry stopped everything midway.

"Stop this nonsense"

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