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Hey folks

So, *clears my throat*

I was bored out of my guts.

No no no

It's not like I don't have work. I didn't feel like doing it.

I wanted to try something new.

And then *drumbeats*

I did something I never thought I'd do

I made a trailer for The Delightful Trauma Series.


I never thought I'll make it but I guess the universe is telling me never say never because I said the same for writing a book, making aesthetics and what not.

So, here is the trailer for TDT series.

I want honest reviews guys.

Do like, leave at least one comment.

You can also subscribe if you want because I am moody and you don't know what I might upload.

Also, do tell me about the username announcement I posted.

Here's the link folks.

I'm adding the link in comment section too.

I'll update soon.


*drags my lazy self away*

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