Chapter 4 - Samragyi

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Draupadi sat on her bed with a thud as she heard about her husband's deed. She felt her cheeks getting wet with the tears of betrayal. She felt betrayed, numb, cheated upon, she felt that even after having five husbands as her shield, she had none.

A few minutes back her husbands and brother in law arrived from Indraprasth and were immediately taken to the sabha when the bomb was exploded on their head. They were now servants of kuru princes and Angraj. Yudhishthir was shook as he heard the reason of the letter. Bheem burned in rage as he fisted his hands as he sat on his knees with his brothers. Arjun was trying his best not to pick up his gandiv and kill everyone present in the court. Nakul on the otherhand sat emotionlessly. He felt betrayed by his own elder brother. The one who should've protected him, donated him like some mere rice grain. Sahadev, however was still worried about the events that were about to take place in the court.

"Duryodhan! What kind of a behavior is this? What did you do?" Pitamah yelled angrily, his voice reverberated in the whole court.

"What pitamah? I asked for a donation and daas karna gave me one. What's wrong in that?" He said casually, shrugging his shoulders.

"This is adharm Duryodhan! How can you behave with your own family like that?" Kakashree Vidur exclaimed.

"How is this an adharm Mahamantri? My friend asked for a donation from a person and he gave him the needful. Where is this adharm thing coming from?" Ripudaman said.

"Exactly! Now they are my servants by law and I'm allowed to do anything with my servants right mamashree?" Duryodhan asked.

"Of course mere bacche. They are your servants now." Shakuni told him happily.

"Great then. Now I'll order daas Yudhishthir to give me his kingdom and property. And of course, his wife."

"Duryodhan!" The six brothers got up infuriated.

"Duryodhan, our bhabhishree is no less than a mother to us. One word about her and we'll cut you and your 99 brothers into pieces." Nakul yelled.

"How dare you even say that Duryodhan? Aahana is the daughter in law of kuruvansh." Guru Drona said.

"Bhratashree, before you ask for that servant's wife and property, you should get your last and the most precious concubine here. Bring that Draupadi here." Dushasan said.

"Mark my words Dushasan, I'll tear away the tongue that called Panchali a concubine." Bheem said in a gravely calm and serious voice.

"Shut up you servant! Dushasan, go and get that dasi. If she refuses, grab her hair and drag her to the court." Duryodhan ordered Dushasan.

"Don't Duryodhan! She's the kulvadhu of kuru vansh." Pitamah shouted.

"Maharaj Dhritrashtra stop your son!" Mahamantri pleaded.

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