Chapter 43 - The first lie

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Author's POV

Another day, another series of deaths and the continuation of massacre. The now usual sound of cries and sobs no more bothered anyone. It was like a normal routine.

Aahana hugged silently sobbing Draupadi as she hid her face in her palms. Maharaj Drupad, who literally changed the course of Aryavart now laid lifeless. Panchali, who got her identity from her father couldn't bear this loss as she sobbed hard.

"First jiji left me alone and now pitashree. How will I ever overcome this lose jiji?" Draupadi asked helplessly as her hit the floor with her hands.

"Draupadi-" Aahana started but no words left her mouth further. By now, she was well aware that no consolation would be enough to pacify the melancholic hearts. She just sat there silently and patiently waited for Panchali to calm down.

A dasi entered breathing hard as their attention diverted towards her. They looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Anarth (disaster) maharani." She said in between heavy breathing.

"What is it dasi?" By now Subhadra too entered the scene with a pitcher of water in her hand for Draupadi.

"Samrat Yudhishthir lied. He told a lie and Guru Drona was slayed because of that." The dasi announced with her head now hanging low. Draupadi gasped in shock, taken away by the impossible she was witnessing. Dharmraj Yudhishthir, who was known for his truth and honesty, who never uttered a lie, who never dis anything against norms had spoken lies to kill his Guru.

"Are you sure dasi? You do know what you are saying right? It's a big allegation on Dharmraj." Draupadi questioned while Subhadra and Aahana shared a look.

"Yes maharani. I'm not lying." she said and was asked to leave soon after.

"This is-" Panchali couldn't continue because of utter disbelief. Dharmraj and lying in one sentence was an impossible phenomenon yet it happened.

"Guru Drona is no more. It must be so hard on everyone." Panchali voiced out as more tears oozed out of her eyes.

A new person entered the area with quick steps. Her chest heaved with worry as she tried to calm her heavy breathing.

"Is it true?" she asked. Subhadra sighed at her and nodded.

"Oh nayaran." She slumped back taking the support of the wall.

"How is this even possible?" She asked to no one in particular. They all just stood in silence.

"We all should move for our respective works. Subhadra, you stay with Panchali till Maharaj Drupad's last rites. I will leave to arya. They all will be back any time now." Aahana said and Subhadra nodded. Panchali nodded at her, assuring her that she would be fine.

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