Chapter 32 - Passion

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A slightly mature chapter with strong use of words too

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A slightly mature chapter with strong use of words too. Read at your own risk and only of you are comfortable.

Author's POV

Anant walked down the muddy path in the garden after his regular evening session of archery. He wiped the sweat beads on his face with a piece of cloth. On his way back to the palace, he spotted Chavi trying to pluck flowers off a branch that was out of her reach. She jumped and stood on her toes but nothing helped. She huffed in annoyance and Anant couldn't help but chuckle at her failed attempts.

He strode towards her and plucked the flowers for her. Chavi gasped and grew conscious at the sudden invasion of her privacy and ignore Anant.

"Why are you here alone? You could've asked for help and why the hell are you plucking flowers just a few minutes before sunset?" He asked placing the red flowers in her basket.

"Subhadra kaki asked for some flowers for the pooja she kept for Uttara. Everyone else was occupied so I decided to help." She replied in a placid tone.

"And you forgot about your height? Midget." Anant smirked, teasing her and expecting a smart comback from her but nothing came. He frowned as Chavi sighed and turned to leave after mumbling a quick thanks for his help.

An unsettling feeling crept into his heart at her gloomy and aloof behavior. She never behaved that way. Whenever he taunted her, she would answer him sarcastically or at least scoff at him but today, she was extremely quiet. In a haste to stop her from leaving, he clasped her bangles clad wrist and pulled her towards him. Not expecting any such movement, Chavi was startled as she bumped into a chiseled chest. Chavi stifled which didn't go unnoticed by Anant.

He clasped her wrist even more tightly as she tried to free herself from his grip. He felt her gulping the lump in her throat as she blinked her eyes, not meeting his, trying to swallow her tears that were ready to betray her any moment now. The pleasant atmosphere was long forgotten and Chavi tried to hold the flower basket in a tight grip as if holding herself together in front of boy she was trying to avoid.

"Why are you trying to avoid me?" He asked without beating around the bush and Chavi cursed under her breath at his direct question.

"Because I have work." She deadpanned.

"So for work you'll avoid me now?" He asked trying to intimidate her by his tone but she just scoffed in return.

"Avoid you? As if we ever talked like normal humans."

"What do you mean?" He frowned at her sarcasm which was not the usual funny one but was laced with venom.

"Leave me alone Anant and go spend time with people who are upto your standards. Stop wasting your time on a maid's daugter. You are a royal prince and I'm your servant. It's not good for your status to soeak to a low person like me." After what Chavi spoke, all Anant could see was red.

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