Chapter 35 - War

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

"Why did you come here now Purnima?"

Before Purnima could answer her question, there was a sudden commotion in the entire area. The wind all of a sudden changed its direction as if bringing an ominous message along with it.

"What is this all of a sudden?" Aahana mumbled to herself and her feet moved in the direction of the tent on their accord. On reaching there, all she could see was livid and tensed faces of her brother in laws and husband. She noticed her brother with the usual sombre expression on his face.

"Bharata Karna, what's the matter?" Aahana whispered to the nearest person to her.

"Duryodhan again presented another example of deceit." Karna sighed.


"By taking Madra raaj on his side. Now the armies won't be equal. They will have 11 akhshauhani army while we have just 7 akhshauhani." Karna massaged his temples while Aahana and Krishna shared knowing looks.

"What will we do now bhrata? Our army is less in number as compared to theirs. How is this a fair play?" Nakul heaved a sigh of annoyance.

"When did the Karavas ever play fair Nakul?" Sahadev commented calmly but the hint of anger was pretty clear in his tone.

At times astonished Aahana that how calm Sahadev was. He knew more than her yet had so much control oved his emotions and actions meanwhile she knew half of the things but grew anxious every moment of her life. Everyone praised Yudhishthir for his calm but what Sahadev possessed was exceptional.

"Now we have no other choice but to fight with less army." Came a voice as they turned to face it. Shri Krishna spoke for the first time with a solemn expression and his armor on.

"Madhav it will be an unfair fight." Arjun voiced.

"But it won't change the fact that truth will win by the end of this fight Parth." Everyone fell silent after that.

"Vasudev is absolutely right. Now we all shall proceed for the sabha where rules will be laid for the forthcoming war." Saying so, all men left.

By the time the sun set and the furnaces blazed with fire to cook meals, the talk of the entire area were the rules laid.

"This is absolutely ridiculous. What do they mean by women are not allowed in warzone. Why do they consider women so weak?" Sagarika exasperated as she paced around the carpeted floor.

"They did all this so jiji can't enter war zone and Pitamah remains unharmed." Draupadi reasoned while looking at Shikhandini who sat quietly fisting the cushion in her hand.

"They do not consider women weak. They are afraid that if women enter war field and excel there too, they will have no area to be dominating about. It's their fear not their power." Poornima spoke when no one did. Sagarika eyed the woman who spoke out of the blue.

Since the moment Sagarika got to know her real identity, she had been avoiding any conversation with her. She didn't want any answers which might complicate her life than it already was. She didn't want any more of a mess than it already was around her.

"Poornima is absolutely right. Don't be disheartened Sagarika that you can't help your family in war. There are other ways to help too. Don't be discouraged." Subhadra interjected as the surroundings grew thick.

Aahana noticed this exchange of words and grew even more conscious. The fear that her daughter might drift apart started to bug her all over again.

"Sagarika" she uttered in a haste and got up holding Sagarika's hands. She clamped her hands in hers and smiled at her.

"Don't worry. You are not alone. You are not the only warrior who is not allowed to raise weapons when its needed. I know your potential. I know you can perform better than anyone out. You are a warrior for me." Aahana tried to calm her racing heart but it was evident in her shivering voice that the fear of losing her daughter didn't leave her. Sagarika smiled at her mother and hugged her tight, assured that at least her mother placed her trust in her when no one did.

Day passed like this and it was finally the day everyone was anticipating for. It was the day of war. Mothers, wives and daughters prepared the men for war and wished them for a successful win. Goddess of war, Bhadrakali was worshipped by both sides and each tried to please the goddess with various offerings, particularly blood to satisfy her hunger which would gain them her protection and blessings. The temples and worship areas echoed with mantras as everyone prayed for the well being of their family and king. A thin sheath of smoke covered the area as the priests performed holy yagya. The smell of camphor and burnt wood now evident in the air.

While some hearts burned in revenge and hate, enjoying the set up of the entire war, some still wished for some miracle to stop this massacre from happening.

The battlefield all set with canons and chivalry lined up properly in certain patterns instructed by their masters. The flags of each side reaching the sky highs unaware that one of them would be shredded and mixed into mud by the end of the war.

Each warrior blew their conch shells as the surroundings reverberated with different pitches of conch shell and war cries of thousands of warriors. With that, the greatest war of the era began.

Hey folks, did you liked the chapter?

It was a short one because I didn't want the war to begin and continue in one chapter.

Which one was your favorite moment?

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Also if possible, can you give me a short review of the book? Is it boring now or is it fine?

Again I apologize for late update but I don't wish to write just for the sake of updating. I wish to write because I want to.

Thank you so much for your love and patience.

Until next time, stay safe and keep smiling!

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