Chapter 47 - Unchanged

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Author's POV

The conch shells, yagyas now felt like a waste. The celebrations had turned into gloomy night of amavas. It all felt useless because of the events that occured a few moments back. All the rituals, the crowning, all of it felt an obligation to everyone except one person.

He was the only one who had a small smile playing on his face, a smile of satisfaction and victory. He, who had everything planned, who knew everything beforehand was the only one who had no problems with whatever was unfolding in front of his eyes.

He gazed at Yudhishthir, the samrat of Aryavart climbing up the stairs towards the throne along with his wife, something which was his motive, something he had dreamed of. To Shri Krishna, it was the reason of his incarnation being fulfilled as Yudhishthir with his crown was now in front of the throne.

While with every step, Shri Krishna felt the foundation of new Aryavart being laid, Aahana and Yudhishthir felt just the opposite. The stairs felt like heaps of heads and dead bodies scattered for them to reach their destination. This throne, this new kingdom, this country was attained on the shambles of millions, on remains broken families and homes. To everyone, the pedestal was made of finest white stone, beautiful carved with intricate etchings and covered in pristine red carpet but to the samrat and samragyi, the throne was placed on remains of deceased swimming in the pool of blood and now, on the remains of the abode of their supreme being, Dwaraka.

I, wife of Maharaj Dhritrashtra, an.unfortunate mother and an ardent devotee of the lord of lords Mahadev curse the reason of this carnage, the sole reason of this massacre Vasudev Krishna. I curse you Krishna, just like my family, my kingdom, your people would too kill each other. They would drink each others blood like thirsty camel on a scorching sunny day. They would kill each other, children and women would cry over dead bodies of their men and your kingdom would be nothing but a destructive remain deep down the sea.

The words echoed in their heads again as the royal couple gazed at each other, knowing well the turmoil that disturbed both of them. They both shared an unsure gaze with Shri Krishna who nodded at them in assurance.

It was meant to be, a necessary event.

His message was conveyed easily to them. Not needing to be told further, they both took their entitled place. The throne pricked them as if made of thorn but the thorns were bestowed upon them by the supreme being, they were made responsible for something greater than this throne.

The entire assembly hall echoed with praises of the Samrat and Samragyi. The victorious smile on Shri Krishna's face was so mesmerizing and contagious that Yudhishthir and Aahana couldn't help but smile along with him. Everyone showered them with flowers, it was raining petals in the assembly hall as the drums declared the crowning of the rightful samrat of Aryavart, now renamed as Bharat desh.

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