Chapter 33 - Fear

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

The troops from entire Aryavart had started accumulating at the pious land of Kurukshetra where the greatest war of history was about to commence. A war where the opponents were friends and family.

The land was covered with red and yellow linens, the flags over the tents reaching the sky. Half of the troops started preparing for the war while the rest of them were still on their way to kurukshetra. The hot air was now warmer with the heat from the furnaces. Everyone was busy sharpening and shaping their weapons and armors.

Sagarika peeked out from her palanquin to see that they were now near to the land where the battle will be fought. The huge eucalyptus trees were now nowhere to be seen, just the small scattered shrubs were prominent. The  petrichor was replaced with the dried smell of soil that was parched since months. She sighed and leaned back, resting her had on the wall of the palanquin. Her gaze fell upon her mother in front of her who was busy guiding a dasi about something.

On her request, Sagarika decided to tag along her mother. She couldn't help but smile remembering how her mother pouted that she was partial towards her father and always neglected her mother. So she ditched her father to spend some time with her mother. Sagarika couldn't help but admire her mother. She always wondered how in all this chaos, she carried herself like a queen. Even after losing everything she had, she still had the optimism and strength to fight. The best part was, she was not afraid to admit or show that she was disturbed or scared. She braced all her emotions and yet was ready to fight. She knew how to pull herself back after falling down.

She sighed and gazed at the flower in her hand, the wilted flower

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She sighed and gazed at the flower in her hand, the wilted flower. The petals of the flower has started to crumble and a petal or two fell off too. The flower which held many memories, some joyous and some painful but it had memories, memories of the moments she wished she could relive.

A hand clasped hers, startling her and pulling her out of her thoughts. She gripped the flower tightly in her hand, thinking that her mother would throw it out thinking it to be of no use anymore.

"What's wrong Sagarika? You seem stressed darling." Aahana spoke to her and Sagarika let out a sigh.

She was confused whether she should share such things with her mother or not. Her friends often told her how their mothers would go crazy if they even mentioned a boy in their conversation. Sagarika knew that her mother was not like others but she still feared. Feared if she sounded like an emotional fool or a stupid hormonal teenager.

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