Chapter 48

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Dean POV:

A smile curls on my lips as I feel the change in Seth's body activities. I didn't know it would work, but I had faith now. I want him to realize that we love each other. It is a hard road to get there, but it's not impossible to do.

We have been through so much together before reaching this point, so it's not a big deal. I could see how beautiful he was when the pieces finally fell together in his head and made that kiss happened again.

As I'm about to grab a burger from the plate, Kevin barks and lets me know Seth's presence. A ghost of a smile pulling at the corner of my mouth as I notice the nervousness in his attitude.

"Come on, baby. Let's eat." I call him and pat the seat beside me on the couch.

He smiles and walks hurriedly to me but stops midway and shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "Won't you play mind games with me if I come there?" He asks, biting his lip.

"No promises, sweetheart," I reply with a flirty wink, and my heart flutters at the stern look that he is trying to give me.

"This is serious, Dean." He says and tries to make me understand, still behaving like a kid. "I need to know you won't try any of the shit you've done before." He clarifies with me and makes sure his mind will never disturb this time.

I sigh and roll my eyes, playing along with him. "I promise." I have to do something to make him believe me if he wants to listen to my words and tries to know what I'm saying.

"This isn't very convincing." He says and glares at me.

"Look, I did what I had to do to make you see." I blurt and realize pretty quickly it's probably the wrong thing to say because he turns on his heels and heads back to the room. "Wait! I'm sorry!"

He stops and looks back at me, "Say it, again."

"What? I'm sorry?" I try to convince him because he's gonna be the death of me. I will do anything for him, so asking 'sorry' doesn't drop my image any further to him.

"Yes, say it and mean it." He counters and folds his arms over his chest again.

I set my jaw, almost unwilling to give it to him because I'm not sorry for what I've done, but I feel bad for almost losing him. If I didn't let him go that day, I wouldn't be in this situation now.

He is patiently watching me with those big brown eyes, and I feel myself crumble under that stare. He's such a child sometimes, so he doesn't give up easily until he gets what he wants.

"I'm sorry, Colby," I mumble after a moment, and I mean it to a degree. "I'm sorry for almost losing you."

He huffs and drops his hands to his sides as if he has been defeated. He tries not to come to me, but the food pulls him and makes him slump on the couch. "This doesn't mean I trust you." He says, picking the burger from the plate.

I laugh quietly and watch him eating the burger without knowing the ketchup drip off his chin. "Oh, you made a mess," I mutter and stroke my fingers over his chin tenderly to wipe off the mess.

We glance into each other's eyes at the small touch, and the world looks nonexistent behind us. I can feel the lightning that flickers inside his body as we lock gazes and stares at each other for God knows how long.

He lifts his hand and touches my fingers gently, "D-Dean.."

Suddenly a panic appears on his face and makes him stay a few feet away from me on the couch. To make him uncomfortable isn't my goal, but it is working and making him show more signs that he feels something for me.

I smile and brace an elbow against the back of the couch, moving closer to him. My fiery breath touches his neck as I speak, "Maybe you don't know who I am, but your heart knows. Why don't you ask that?"

My eyes flicker to his lips and see the moisture in it dries down. I swallow hard and make sure, not leaning forward and pressing a kiss on those pink lips. "Do you know how many times you call my names and make me feel that I'm not alone?" I ask, looking into his eyes and moving further closer to him.

Without even realizing it, he plants a hand in the center of my chest, as though to hold me back from getting any closer. To give him a surprise, I don't swat at his hand or say anything about it.

I just lean back a little and grab a glass of water from the coffee table, drinking it. I blink my eyes and remind myself not to make him feel unsafe. Before he prefers to escape, I get up from the couch and leave the room, giving him some space.

Colby POV:

I stare at Dean for a moment and bite my lip nervously, not knowing what is happening here. Something in his action makes me smile, and I do so, glancing at him. I turn my head away when he glances back at me before disappearing into the room.

I want to talk to him, but I don't know how to ask him about his leaving. Usually, I would escape from this situation, but now he did. Loaded questions are forming in my mind one by one, but I try to focus on the primary right now. And, yeah. I definitely shivered this time if I hadn't before. Huh, interesting...

"What the hell is up with me?" I ask myself with venom in my voice. There again, this little shiver. I wonder and shake my head helplessly, "Something wrong is happening to me!"

The familiar shivering disturbs me again, and I try to control it, not wanting to seize by him. I jump slightly and grip the arm of the couch when his voice gets my attention. I turn to look at him as he stands at the doorway.

"Seth, I'm going to the shower. If you need anything, just call me." He says and disappears into the room again.

Yes, that shiver, that feeling. I like him calling me even if the name is not mine because it has so much love under it. The feeling makes me get light-headed and giddy with all other things.

I slap the back of my head and mutter under my breath, "I'm sure something has happened to me!"

I need to talk to him about this before my mind loses its control. I close my eyes and try to get the anger burning in my chest, but the petulant, childish anger makes me feel tiny. I whine at it and kick the couch helplessly before switching on the television.

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