Chapter 33

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Dean POV:

Dreams are both a blessing and a curse, allowing us to escape from reality and troubles. This temporary relief and sense of peace serene us while we sleep, but once we wake up, we're once again facing the burdens.

The dream I had was simple but beautiful and sweet. I was sitting with Seth in our house and played with Deanie, laughing at ordinary things, and enjoying our time. We were a little cute family. The simplicity of that moment is something that I wish to happen at some time.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I sigh and run my fingers through my tangled hair. I look over the space next to me and pat it with frustration, missing him so much on my side. It's been two days since I haven't seen him other than my dreams.

I didn't miss my sleep since I lost him because it was the only way I could see him and feel him with me. Sleeping alone with anxiety literally kills me and almost makes me sick. I used to sleep alone, but it was before that he came into my life. Now I can't imagine a day without him.

What a stupid am I? I have to search him again in this state and it's an important job to me but I'm sitting here simply without considering it. I slap the back of my head and get ready quickly, grabbing my phone and wallet from the table before leaving the house.

I call Alexa and check about Deanie, making sure he is good. I walk on the streets without caring about the sun that almost burns my skin. I wipe the sweat that forms on my face, and look around the place for water, wanting to get over the thirsty.

I walk over to the nearby store and get some water from the man who is there. I drink the water greedily until a familiar person comes into my view. My eyes lit up and my lips curl into a smile as I see Seth walking on the pavement with another guy.

I place the bottle on the counter, but it slips and falls on the floor. I haven't minded it because I need to go now before I miss him again. I run into him and throw myself over him, not caring about the people who are crossing us.

"Seth, baby, I found you. I was worried that you.." My words trail off when he shoves me away from him. My eyes search the feelings in his face for me, but I get nothing.

He gives me a puzzled look and holds the guy's hand, who is standing beside him with a scowl. "I'm sorry, but.. who are you?" He asks and tries to cool the situation. He pretends he doesn't know me and it makes me sick.

"Seth," I place my hand on his cheek and nuzzle my nose against it. "I'm your Dean! Haven't you remember, baby?" I ask and run my fingers through his slightly damp hair, pressing myself close to his body as I possibly can, ignoring the intrigued look that the guy near him throws at me.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asks and pushes me away, giving me an irritated look. "I don't know who you are. And I don't know anyone's name as Dean!" He yells at my face and holds the guy's hand, passing over me.

I feel something is wrong because my Seth doesn't act to me like this. I follow him and grab his hand from behind, turning him around and pressing my lips against him. I want to make him remember the moments that he is with me.

His eyes widen at the kiss and he wiggles in my hold, shoving me away harshly. "You idiot!" He grits his teeth and slaps my face hard. "How dare you?!" He yells and wipes his mouth on his sleeve, getting embarrassed about the situation.

I stare at him in frustration and try to process the moment, but the guy who seems to be his friend hits me and pushes me on the ground, kicking me in the ribs. I haven't stopped him because this pain is not far from the look that Seth gives me.

Seth stops him from beating me and takes him to the car. He turns to look at me one last time before getting in the car with him. His eyes never leave me until the car gets started and takes him away from me again.

Colby POV:

I try to process the things that have happened on the pavement while leaning against the window. I don't know who is that guy and what he wants from me. I didn't see him before, but he talked to me like he knew me well.

Even if I have only met him a few minutes ago, it was almost like I knew him from somewhere. He didn't seem a bad guy then why did he misbehave with me? He called me with some name and that was.. Shit! I forgot about it.

I glance at AJ when he places his hand on my thigh and tries to get my attention. I know what he will ask, so I tuck the thoughts away in the back of my mind and try to get into the conversation with him.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asks and tries to comfort me. He is my fiancé, also my brother's friend. My parents selected him for me but I didn't select him yet even if he put a ring on my finger.

I haven't felt the love before marriage is safe so I won't develop feelings for anyone until my life is official with someone in the eyes of the Lord or the law. I haven't told that he is bad; he is such a friendly person who I've ever seen because he doesn't try to intimate with me and lets me be myself.

"Yeah," I lie to him and place my hand on his, giving it a squeeze.

He nods slowly and gives me a small smile, taking in my words. A few minutes later, he drops me in my house and waves a hand at me. He usually meets my brother if he is here, but now he doesn't mind seeing him and I don't know why.

It's his problems to care about, so I need not worry about it. I sigh and walk into my house, thinking about the blue-eyed man. I bite my lip and think about the kiss he has shared with me. I didn't let AJ kiss me even if he was my fiancé, but someone came into my life like wind and broke my rules.

My thoughts are interrupted when I knock on my brother as I make my way upstairs. "Sorry, Ro. I'm in my own world!" I hiss and try to talk to him about the guy, but he seems like he wants to go somewhere. "Where are you going?"

"Dad wants me in the office, right now." He shrugs and gives me a weak smile. "Okay, I'm going. Take care of yourself." He says and presses a kiss on my cheek, leaving the house.

I roll my eyes and get into my room, closing the door behind me. "Where are you, Kevin? Come to papa," I crane my head to look over my shoulder to find the little guy. Usually, he is chilling out on the bed or napping and wrinkling my shirts.

I put my hands on my hips and give him a look when I spot him in one of the places where I'm assumed he has to be. "Get off those shirts, you little punk." I chide, making him oblige and choose to lie on one of the pillows on the bed instead.

I smile and crawl on the bed with him, stroking his back. "Had you known something? Today, a guy whom I didn't know kissed me. He broke my rules, but I didn't get too angry at him and I didn't know why. Can you hear me?" I ask, scratching behind his ears gently until he preens under my touch.

"Hmm.. useless!" I shake my head and pull him against me, thinking to get over the incident and reminding me of the rules that I have for myself to follow in my life.

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