Chapter 38

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Colby POV:

There has been a night left for my wedding after that, I will be officially related to someone. I feel nervous thinking about it because I don't know how it will be. I know AJ well because he is my brother's friend and comes to visit our house regularly since our childhood days, but something makes me tensed and worried a bit.

I stop wandering my room and look down at Kevin who is hugging my leg and begging me to take some rest. "Sorry, papa forgot about your sweet nap." I smile and pick him in my arms, walking over to the bed and laying on it while keeping him on my lap.

I blink my eyes slowly and dive into sleep once it overtakes me. Everything is great until a wonderful dream crosses on my mind and makes me feel I'm flying in the air. It comes to an end when some noises wake me up from my peaceful sleep.

I rub my eyes and take a quick look at the wall clock, which reveals a little after 2 am. I feel like my brain is replaced with three and a half packages of jumbo cotton balls. Why have I awoken?

I look at Kevin who is continued to snore softly in curl up position on my lap. His back leg would occasionally twitch, but not enough to jostle me. I consider falling back asleep but decide against it.

I need to go to Roman's room to discuss Kevin's costume in my marriage. I forgot to discuss it with him earlier. I can't wait until dawn because everyone will busy in the morning and wander around here and there.

I carefully pick up Kevin off my lap and set him down on the bed. He snuffs in a very weak example of protest but is too content to get up. He opens his eyes and squints at me, moving to my lap again and falling back to sleep.

I sigh and pick him in my arms, holding him against me while leaving the room. I go to Roman's room and invade it like usual, getting on his bed. I slap his chest and wake him from his sleep, wanting to discuss something important.

He opens his eyes slowly and leans back against the headboard, "Colby! What are you doing here? Did any nightmares wake you up from the sleep?"

"Nah, I just came here to talk to you. What will Kevin put in my marriage?" I ask and wait for his response. I already have many choices for him, but I need to know what my brother's choice. Maybe he has something on his mind for Kevin.

"Is it important now?" He asks and pats my shoulder. He steadies himself and tries to convince me when I swat his hand away and frown at him. "Hey, I don't tell like that. I knew you would plan something for him already, and it was okay. As much as you care about him, I want you to look good in your marriage! Come on, get in the bed, and sleep with me." He says and pats the space next to him.

I shake my head and get up from the bed, "Nah, I'll sleep in my room. I have many works to do. I need to place the mini black suit and a snazzy bowtie on the table for him. It will be easy for me to get both of us ready and attend the marriage on time."

He rolls his eyes dramatically and ruffles my hair before placing a small kiss on my cheek. "Don't be late to get asleep." He says and points the time at me, pushing me slightly. "Good night, Colby!" He laughs and waves a hand at me.

When I leave his room, I feel someone has been watching me. It is strange and uncomfortable. I look around the hall in fear and try to find out who, but nothing gets in my eyes. Maybe it's all the unnecessary thoughts in my head.

Dean POV:

I hide behind a wall and watch every movement carefully in Seth's house. I know what I'm going to do is wrong, but I have no other choice than it. I know it will make him angry at me and spoil my goodness to him, but it's okay than losing him. If I wait anymore, he will officially be others to someone tomorrow.

My eyes watch his every move as he bursts out of someone's door and walks in the hall. I admire his cuteness of how looks he good with a Yorkie in his arms. My guess was right that he would wander around the house at night, so I chose the right time.

I slip my hand into my pocket and grab a bottle from it. I untwist the cap hurriedly and pour some chloroform on the napkin, waiting for the right time. My heartbeat is quick-paced and frantic as he closes near me.

I position myself and grab him from behind when he passes over me. I encourage myself and hope everything will be good before pressing the cloth on his face. His terrified scream is muffled by the cloth. It's not a simple task that I've thought it out to be.

My hand holds tighter to the cloth as I delay my own breathing while pressing it hard against his mouth and nostrils. He fights me down onto the floor as the seconds roll over into a full minute, finally the vapors deepen and make him fall unconscious into my arms.

His dog is really cute and stole my heart. It didn't create any single noise while I pressed the cloth on his owner's face so I didn't have the heart to separate him from his papa. I have no objection to taking care of him with Deanie in our house.

I keep myself compose and pick Seth in my arms, throwing him over my shoulder like it's not a big deal before carrying the Yorkie. I'm well prepared for this chance at having him for myself, not for anyone else.

I look around the intact house carefully and make sure no one is noticing me before I take him out of the building from the way that I've entered. I walk over to my rental car and make him lay on the backseat while letting the Yorkie to the front.

I get in the car and pat the dog's head while glancing at Seth and mumbling, "Sorry". I'm surprisingly calm as I put the key in the ignition, the engine starts and makes me relax a little. I take off the car hurriedly and drive to the middle of nowhere where we can be alone.

I exhale with a mixture of pent up anxiety, stress, victory, and success. There is no sound to spoil our moment other than the snoring of Yorkie, but it's okay, I will adjust it.

"Sorry baby, I feel bad for kidnapping you but you haven't given any choice to me," I mumble myself and glance his face in the front mirror. "This is for your own good and you'll just have to understand that. I'll make you understand everything, no matter how long it looks because I love you."

This is the only life we have, so I'm determined for it to be a happy ending. I'm good at judging others, so my choice of selecting that you're my soulmate will be definitely great. I have time now so I will make him remember our every moment and bring the closeness between us.

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