Chapter 49

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Dean POV:

I'm not exactly sure what is going on in Seth's mind, but I can tell he is slowly changing now. I didn't deny to myself how I loved the delicious little shivers he made while I was getting closer to him.

I'm not ashamed of it or felt bad about it because I love the feeling of power I have in him as I can make him feel that way whether he wants to or not. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock at the door following by a familiar voice, "You will drown in water if you spend too much time there."

"I think I can manage, but if I drown, don't worry, I won't haunt you or anything," I say, deciding to just play along with him as long as need be. "Anyway, thank you for your concern, baby."

I haven't heard any sound after that until I finish the record-breaking shower. When I reach the living room while pulling my shirt down, I can feel his eyes on me, and it brings a shiver up my spine.

I take a deep breath and adjust my shirt before taking a seat beside him on the couch. Unsure of what else I can really do, I just watch the television with him and make sure not to disturb him this time.

Even if I'm not breaking the silence, he pats my thigh to get my attention and asks, "If fishes are friends and not food, what do the sharks eat?"

"Squid." I reply as 'Finding Nemo' blasts from the television.

"Squid is not fish." He concedes, still looking thoughtful. "Still, they're alive, so if we don't want to harm a living thing that will never work... Maybe they don't eat them because of the mercury.."

I stare at him quietly and shake my head, finding him engross in the movie and look super adorable. I want him to think about me, but the television controls his mind. I don't know what I can do with him.

"Aquariums are safer than zoos." He says with conviction and looks up at me suddenly. "If a lion escapes, we're kind of fucked, but if a shark escapes, we're just gotta take two steps to the left."

"Yeah?" I can't help the smile that creeps on my lips, and though I'm not utterly sure where he is getting this shit from, it's kinda cute.

"Absolutely," He nods gravely before turning his attention back to the movie, causing me to chuckle.

He goes on like this for hours as we watch every genre of movie that he can find. It is a little hard to follow, especially when he decides to watch 'The Wizard of Oz' and begins rambling about tornadoes.

I quite enjoy spending time with him and realize how much I miss him, which makes my chest ache. My love for him getting stronger day by day while he discovers his affection in me slowly.

The sun is actually beginning to fade, and I can hardly believe where the time has gone while I have spent the entire morning fielding questions. I feel content, almost happy for the first time in a while.

My heart settles down a bit, but it sure as hell skips a beat when the fading sun fills the room with a soft light that bounces off his features, making him all the more beautiful.

He snuggles up to me automatically and buries his head in my chest. It is not an old habit of him; it's his usual habit. It makes me feel him real, so I wrap my arm around him and assure him that I will save him from his nightmares.

It is almost a foreign feeling to have him in my arms again. I try not to think about it too much, even if it's my only wish for when I blow out my birthday candles. This whole thing has not gone as plan, but it feels so unbelievably good to have him back just for a while.

"Do you wanna know why I get shivering while I'm with you?" He asks, looking up at me with those big beautiful chocolate doe eyes.

My heart is starting to race and pound at his soft, sad smile. I'm positive he can not only hear it but feel it too. I look into his eyes and try to know what is going on in his mind.

"I'm falling in love with you slowly." He continues quietly. "I know it will break my rules if I do, so I wish you've to stay away from me." He holds my shirt tighter and burrows himself once again in my chest, forgetting what he has told a few seconds before.

His tone assures me that things are very different now. He's half as annoying as I'm expecting him to be, and for some reason, I choose to watch him until he drifts into sleep.

When his breathing evens out and deepens, I press my lips on his forehead and brush his hair out of his face. A tear slides down my cheek from happiness, and I wipe it out quickly before picking him up in my arms and taking him to our room.

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