Chapter 36

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Dean POV:


A fucking stupid word that I repeat it in my head so many times until it doesn't sound like a proper word anymore. I lost myself already and shattered into million pieces when those words fell from that bastard's lips. I wish that will never be true, but the tears well up in my eyes tell something.

I didn't expect this would happen, so my mind couldn't sense anything. The word stuck in my chest and made me pathetic. The pain in my heart is so strong so it makes me wish to die up here all alone, surrounded by empty beers. Nobody will ever guess it is the booze or love that kills me...

The tears start to spill down my cheeks as I reach down and shove my hand into the 12 pack of beer that is sitting next to me, rummaging around until I find another unopened can.

"Did I drink that many already?" I ask myself and let out a small laugh. I can choose some other way to die, but I want to remember my every moment with Seth before losing my life. It's my last wish!

I take my phone out and look at the time on it, ignoring the multiple texts and missed calls from my friends. It is late to end both day and my life. I get up from the floor and stumble to the window, looking out into the sky, which is dark with churning clouds, mirroring my mood.

Sighing heavily, I stuff the phone back into my pocket and crack open the beer. "Why did he have to show up in the first place if he was going to leave me forever?" I ask myself, even though I don't know the answer.

I look up into the ether with my face a mix of pain, anger, and confusion. I bite my lip hard until I taste the blood and try to hold everything in, but I can't. The saturation reaches a full point to its level in my head and makes me decide a good thing.

I chug the entire beer in my hand and stumble upstairs to the roof, hurling the can out over the edge. I jump up onto my feet and stand on the ledge, looking down at the ground. Nobody can stop me from doing this.

A smile tugs at my lips as I remember our first kiss and hold my leg out in the air. "I love you, Seth," I mumble and imagine him with me, bringing strength to my heart to fall from here.

As I'm about to jump, a voice from below me gain my attention and stop me from doing the act. I open my eyes to make sure whether the voice in my head belongs to the person who I've thought. "R-Roman!" I call out and try to see his face from my blurry vision.

Roman POV:

I didn't expect I would see Dean like this. I knew he was here, but I didn't wish to see him in my life after he lost my trust. I wouldn't come here if Seth didn't tell about him and his presence in our house. I need to make him stay away from my brother before he creates any trouble.

I look up from the floor and stare at him, not knowing how to start the conversation. There is an awkward silence between us as we stare at each other. I don't know if his mind can understand what I'm gonna talk about.

I sigh and remember the last words of my brother before he is going to his treatment to cure the amnesia. "Dean! He will come for me wherever I go!" The words echo in my ear as I see Dean collapse on the floor, leaning against the wall.

"His words are true!" The words leave my throat without I realize where I am. I snap out of my thoughts when he shakes me and brings me back to reality. I get angry when I see him near, so I push him away and gape at him, "Stay there."

"What he told you?" He asks and stumbles to his feet, eagerly waiting for my answer. He is a good man, but his lie is still itching in my head and raising the anger in me. "Please, tell me.."

Telling the truth will never make our life difficult, so I spill the events that have happened a few months ago. "Colby cried for you like almost a week. He begged us to drop him to you until he went under a treatment and got erased the memories of him with you. He believed you would come for him and take him with you!"

Tears start to spill from his eyes as he hears my words about how the life of my brother has changed. "Why did you do this, Roman?! Why? You know how much I love him since in the very beginning, but you have done this to punish me. You think it's a punishment for me but it's not, it's also a punishment for Seth!" He growls and slams the wall hard, "You always told one should genuine to someone if they trust them, right? Did you genuine to your brother by telling about me?"

My eyes widen a bit when the words hit right into my heart. I look up at him nervously and tell him the reason behind my hiding, "I didn't, but I had my reasons! I don't want to change the angle of my brother's life by telling about you. He's not what you think. He expects someone's attention to forget the lonely days he has spent in his childhood days. You will run away if you know his character. AJ knows about him well, so he will take care of him good!"

He laughs and throws himself on the couch, thinking about something. "He is stubborn at some things. He doesn't attach to anyone easily. He needs to be entertained when he wakes up late at night. He will talk to pets and imagine it as them if he misses someone. He is almost like a cute little kid!"

I don't know what to tell because he is right at everything. I prepared nothing before I came here so it was difficult to clear the things. I walk over to the door without informing him and try to leave, but he grabs my hand from behind and stops me.

He raises his hands in the air in defense and lean against the wall for support, "I had my reasons just like you. I got scared of losing Seth when I knew you're his brother. How could someone ready to lose the only thing they got?!"

I understand his reasons but I can't do anything because everything is fell out of my hands already. "I don't know what to tell other than this. I'm sorry... Just try to move on." I tell him and open the door, leaving his house. I feel guilty for doing this to him, but I can do nothing.

Both he and AJ are my friends, so I can't stand at one side. If Colby loves any of them, it will be easy for me to decide who is best for his life, but he has a rule to himself and lives in that way. It's difficult to clear this love triangle, so I have to wait and see what will happen next.  

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