Chapter 41

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Dean POV:

Sleep doesn't engulf me while I struggle to hear Seth's screaming. I control myself not to run into him and break him free from the cuffs. I feel a little relieved when his scream comes to an end. It takes almost 2 am to halt. Probably he is wearing himself out by cursing and yelling at me.

I sigh and lay on the bed, thinking about him and wishing he will understand me soon. I should bring pleasant memories of us in front of his eyes to make him understand or feel something.

The following morning, I prepare a breakfast of oatmeal and orange juice for him. The things I can easily feed him if he agrees with me. I'm stupid if I assure he will adjust with me, but I can try, and there is no problem in it.

I open the root cellar door and climb down the creaky steps, expecting a barrage of choice words from the man cuffed to the bed, but it is quiet. He is managed to curl himself onto his side, arms still tethered to the bed frame, knees drawn up. He is so beautiful in his sleep.

I have forgotten how much I like to watch him. It has been months that I miss seeing his cute face in his sleep. I shush at Kevin when it jumps on his chest and tries to wake him up. I pick Kevin from him and let it wander around the room.

I have to stop admiring his sleeping form because I need to feed him before his stomach crumbles and aches for food. Reclaiming the chair from the previous night, I call his name softly so as not to startle him.

He doesn't budge, so I nudge him in the arm and make sure he's not terrified. "Seth! Colby! Whatever. Baby, wake up. It's time for breakfast." I say and stroke his hair gently.

His eyes slide open, and he instinctively flinches away. "Don't touch me!"

I let this slide for now, but I have to do something for his attitude. I sigh and hold the bowl of oatmeal and orange juice in front of him to see. He looks at it skeptically and asks, "What? Gonna poison me?"

I chuckle at his statement and shake my head, "Unless you're allergic to oatmeal and orange juice, no."

I pick the spoon and scoop out some food, holding it towards his mouth, which he clamps shut. "You have to eat, baby." I try again, but this time he moves his head away completely. I grab the glass of juice and try it as well, but he manages to knock it out of my hand with his elbow, covering my shirt and jeans in sticky, cold liquid.

I feel a frustrated growl escape from my throat than I have expected. My eyes lock with his defiant brown gaze. Does he want to play this game? Fine. He can starve if he wants to.

I gather my things and stand up from the chair without saying another word. If he wants to act like a child, I will treat him like that. I turn to walk away but stop when the Yorkie hugs my leg. I smile and pick him in my arms, "Come on, Kev. Daddy will take you to a walk."

"Kev, he's not your daddy. Come to papa." He yells at it, but the Yorkie doesn't give him a damn and lick my face. "I'll kill you if you get into my hands." He spits at it and tries to hit it, but he can't because of the restraints.

I shake my head and wave a hand at him before climbing the root cellar steps and closing the door. I throw the dishes into the sink and pace the floor frustratedly. I try to calm myself when my gaze land on Kevin. I put a bowl of water and food in front of him, petting his head.

I know Seth will accept me if he understands the feelings of his heart. How can I show him that this is for his own good? I need to make him understand that I have no intention of hurting him. I need to make him feel what it's like to love and be loved.

I prepare grilled cheese and carrot sticks for lunch and take it in a bowl before going to the basement with Kevin. I try to feed him, but he refuses again. I sit on the chair patiently and think about how to feed him.

He curses me under his breath for a few moments and glares at Kevin. He kicks the bed to get my attention and yells, "If you're going to hurt me, just do it!"

I smirk and play with the spoon while making eye contact with him, "Do you want me to hurt you?"

"No!" He snaps and tugs at his bonds again. "I want you to let me go and stop all this playing house bullshit!"

I shake my head and give him a feeble look, "I can't do that."

"Why?" He asks in a puppy dog eyes and hopes that I will fall for it.

"Because you don't understand yet," I say and hit the spoon on the bowl to make a noise loud enough to echo in the room.

"I understand, Dean, really." He says, looking almost pitiful as he tries to give me what I want to hear. "Please."

"You're a liar," I mumble and glance at him. I know he still puts no effort into understanding me. I know the way of approach doesn't get into his mind, but what can I do? Nothing good comes to my mind to make him feel something.

He growls and tugs hard on the cuffs around his wrists, "You're a liar!"

I shake my head and smile at him softly, "When have I ever lied to you?"

He opens and closes his mouth several times as he searches for the answer, obviously digging deep into his memories. Something is working in his brain, and I've to keep that way. If I push him a little harder, I will get what I want to hear from him with his heart.

I keep the bowl away and place my hand on his cheek, stroking it. "Try to understand what I'm saying, baby." I can feel him shiver under my touch, but I don't let him go. I pull his face closer to me and keep it against my forehead, feeling the tension in his body.

I can feel his breath hard against my face as he swallows hard and tries to move away from me. "Try to feel something, baby." I wrap my arms around his body and massage his scalp, trying to soothe him.

He shoves me away and breathes hard, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Stay away from me." He blinks his eyes and looks for something. He shows me the water and signals me to bring it to him.

When I give the glass to him, he sips it as his eyes glued to me. I provoke something in his heart, and I can see the reflection in his eyes. Actions speak louder than words!

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