Chapter 31

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Dean POV:

Seth didn't return yet, even it had been an hour since he left the house. My heart pounds faster and tries to tell me something that I can't even imagine in my dreams. I place my hand on my chest and try to ease the pain out as I look over at the door.

I should check on him and bring him back to the house safely. I run out of the house like a madman and look around the surroundings for him. "Seth!" I call out as I walk over to the store, but he doesn't appear from anywhere.

Everyone looks at me curiously, but I ignore them and continue calling out for him. I stop on my way when something knocks on my foot and makes me glance at it. I lift my leg and notice the sticky substance on my shoe.

I swallow a lump in my throat as I notice the spoiled eggs on the pavement. "Seth?" I look around in fear as I run my hand through my messy blonde hair. I feel something is wrong and I should know what it is.

I request the people who are visiting here and get any information about him. I feel my world come to a halt as I hear the news that a man has taken him to somewhere in his car. I can understand who that man is by the details they give me.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as I collapse on the floor. "R-Roman took Seth away from me!" I stutter and clench my fist, hitting the ground frustratedly. I hold my hand out and shake my head when an old lady tries to help me.

Crying here on the street won't bring my Seth to me, so I should figure out some way to bring my baby back to me. I take my phone out and call Roman with hope in my heart that he will attend my call, but he doesn't.

I try a few times until I hear the answer that his phone is on switch off. Does he know I've hidden his brother from him? I don't know where I've to go to search for Seth, and I wish someone can help me into this.

I blink my eyes and run to the house hurriedly when something gets into my mind. I throw myself on the ground and pick up the pieces of Roman's card that he has given to me earlier.

However, I try I can't get all the pieces because some of it flies in the air. I storm into my house and sit on the floor, trying to join all the pieces, but I can't. I need some pieces of the card to find out his address.

I kick the coffee table in frustration and blame myself for everything that has happened. I shouldn't let him go out when he has obsessed with me. "It's all my fault!" I yell and swat the pieces away, getting irritated as I see the card repeatedly.

I hold my head with my hands and pull my knees up to my chest, keeping myself as small. A tear making its way down my cheeks as I realize I've lost the best thing in my life. It's all feel so strange because I haven't cried in a long time.

What makes it more peculiar is that I'm crying over a person. I can't stop though because I need to cry. What if I can't see Seth again? What if he forgets me when I have a chance to see him again?

Why do always best things are ruined in my life? I'm such a fuckup! I don't deserve to have a life in this world. I hit my head a few times with my fist until I hear the barking sound of Deanie.

I walk over to it and place a bowl of food and water for it because it has brought by Seth so I should take care of it for him. I pet its head and remember one of the sweetest moments with him.

"Hey, I have a song for you." He says as he lifts his head off my chest to show a huge grin that crosses across his face.

A smirk tugs at my lips as I see his cute face, so I put my hand under the pillow with a little excitement. "Oh really? What has crossed the mind of a little pretty this time?" I ask amusedly and pinch his nose.

He rolls his eyes and swats my hand away, "Hey, you'll praise me if you hear the song that I've for you. And I'm sure you'll torture me to repeat the song for a few times."

He moves away from me as he mumbles, "Don't force me to repeat the song after I sing. It's a onetime offer and you need fucking understand." He raises an eyebrow at me and I understand what he expects, so I give him a reassurance nod.

He smirks and clears his throat before starting to sing for me, "Once there are beautiful eyes.. that are so big and blue.." He stops suddenly and moves his fingers to my eyes, glancing at it. "I guess your eyes are small. No! Big. Hmm... I can't find it, so can you tell me whether your eyes are big or small?"

I laugh and wrap my arms around him, pulling him with me. "I can't. But I'll accept whatever you prefer for my eyes because everything in me belongs to you." I tuck a strand of hair behind his ear and press a kiss on his lips.

"That's not the right answer to my question." He hits my chest and sits up again, crossing his arms over his chest.

I get up from the bed and pinch his cheek, arranging the pillows on the bed. "I love your gorgeous singing voice of yours!" I smile and get a hit by the pillow that he has thrown at me.

I sob heavily as I miss the person who is related to that moment. "Please come to me, baby.." I whimper as my heart begins to leap in my throat. "I beg you, please come to me.."

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