Chapter 9

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Dean POV:

My friends try to get Seth's attention for the past three hours but he doesn't try to give them a chance. He is just clinging to me and hides his face in the crook of my neck whenever they try to talk to him.

I don't know how to convince him without giving any pressure. Finally, an idea comes to my mind about how to make this kid at least listen to my friend's words. I grab Jimmy's hand and wink at him.

He nods once he understands what I mean. "Do you hurt me for Seth not talking to you?" I ask sadly and show my face like I'm a little upset.

"Of course, we will hurt you and give you more work when you come to the bar," Alexa says and winks at me.

Seth looks up at me and then looks at my friends, "Don't hurt Dean. I'll talk to you. He is a good guy. He doesn't do anything to you guys.." He says and clings into me.

I sigh and kiss on his head while Alexa shows me a thumbs up. I don't want to force him into anything but I don't have another way to keep a distance between us. If he is too cling into me, it is not good for both of us.

Maybe one day his parents will come and take him from me so I need to be aware of any time. My thoughts are interrupted when Seth grabs my hand and gets my attention.

"What do you want baby?" I look at him and notice the confused look on his face. He just points my friends to me instead of telling the answer.

I raise an eyebrow at Jey to know what is going on. He smiles and says, "We just asked him to play about telling ourselves!"

I don't think it is a game so I am confused. He sighs and leans over at me to whisper in my ear, "We are helping you and try to make him remember something about him!"

He moves away from me and then raises his eyebrow at me. I nod and try to play along with them because I also think it is a good idea. I grab Seth's hand and squeeze it gently to give him some comfort.

"So Seth, just look at me. I'm Alexa and these all are my friends. I am working in a bar where Dean works. I am the only child of my parents so they give me more freedom to do anything in this world!" Alexa says and throws her arms in the air.

After continuing Alexa, Jey and Jimmy also tell about them. Jey nods at me before he grabs Seth's hand, "Okay, just tell us about you, Seth. We are eagerly waiting to know about you!" He smiles and everyone nods, cheering him.

I nod at Seth when he looks up at me and hold him tightly against me. He looks at my friends and says, "I'm Seth.. and my parents are living out of this country that's what Dean told. I don't know anything about me other than that.."

I feel sorry for him so I rub his back and make him not to think too much. "No, we don't accept that. Just tell us something like where are you from or who is your parents?" Alexa asks.

I glare at my friends for pushing me into this situation. What I am going to tell when Seth asks these questions to me? Seth looks up at me to know the answers for their questions but Jimmy grabs his hand and says, "No, we asked you so you only want to tell us, not Dean."

Seth POV:

I don't know why they are forcing me, I try to remember something but I couldn't. I try so hard to remember at least about my parents but nothing comes to my mind except what Dean told me about them.

"Seth, just tell us about yourself." Jey forces me and I feel some weight on my head as I try to think about it. It all looks like I am trapped into some hole.

I stand up from the couch and try to move but my leg hurts so I fall on Dean. He helps me but I ignore him and try to move by myself. "Seth, where are you going?" He grabs my hand and looks at me confused.

I look at him with tears in my eyes and try to move on my own but again I fall. Dean and his friends try to help me but I push them away and make my way to my room and reach it finally.

I close the door behind me and start to cry out loudly. I want to go to my parents and they only keep me safe. I believed Dean but he didn't help me when his friends forced me.

My legs hurt like hell so I sit on the floor and lean my back on the door. I hear Dean's voice from the other side of the door while he is knocking at the door, "Baby, just open the door. Forgive us if we did something wrong. Please.. open the door.."

I hear his friend's voice from the other side and they also pleading to me. "Please Seth, I'm begging to you. Open the door baby, please.." He knocks at the door again and again.

I don't want Dean pleading to me because I have no one other than him. I wipe my tears away and slowly get up from the floor by grabbing the wall.

When I open the door, Dean throws himself over me which makes me stumble backward but he grabs me and holds me tightly against his chest. I press my entire face into his neck and take a deep, shaky breath, "I-I tried but I couldn't remember anything.."

He pulls away from me and cups my cheeks, making me look at him in the eyes. "I'm sorry for forcing you. You don't need to try anything. I promise I won't force you again." He kisses on my forehead and pulls me against him.

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