Chapter 11

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Dean POV:

I am staring at the ceiling as I am thinking about the person who Seth mentioned earlier. I don't know whether to happy for him that he remembered something or worry that he will disturb me by asking about his family.

"Shit!" I mumble and run my fingers through my hair. I slowly slip out of his arm and lean back against the headboard.

"Dean.." He hums softly and wakes up from his sleep.

I curse myself for waking him up and try to convince him to take a nap again but he refuses and leans against the headboard beside me, his head falling on my shoulder.

"Just sleep, baby," I say softly and move my hand up to his hair, carding my fingers through his sleep mussed strands.

"I took enough sleep already." He says and places his hand on his stomach.

"Hungry?" I ask and decide to know about his past later after I talk about this to my friends. His stomach answers for him, grumbling loudly in a way that makes his face flush.

My heart stops when I see his face flushed and eyes look around to hide his embarrassment. I place my hand on his cheek and look at him in the eyes.

I forget myself in his eyes and I'm sure he has some magnet in his eyes which makes me attract towards him. We stare at each other until my mind remembers me this is not real and it's all happening because he forgot his past.

I blink my eyes and get out of the bed. "I'll order Chinese for us," I say to him and take my phone from the bedside table before leaving the room.

Once I get out of the room, I lean against the door and think where this new relation going to lead me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath but my mind still pictures the beautiful face of him.

A few minutes later, we pile onto the living room couch while we eat, sharing cartons of food and playfully shoving at each other as some random show plays in the background.

"I need to get some groceries so I can actually make dinner tonight," I say and place an empty carton back on the coffee table.

"I'll come with you." He says through a mouthful of food.

"I like that but I don't want to take any risk when you're in this condition," I say to him.

"I feel lonely when I'm alone in this house." He pouts and gives me a sad look.

"Aww... I can understand. Don't worry, I'll be back soon." I give him a soft smile and pat his cheek.

He shoves my shoulder before wrapping his arms over his chest and looks away. I know how to make him laugh so I start to tickle him and I'm very careful in my movements because of his injuries.

Seth POV:

Dean left me alone in the house to buy grocery things. It is a pain far worse than anything in this world. I didn't like to stay between the walls. Why did my parents not try to know about me?

"Shut up," I say with irritation in my voice when the background noise from the television disturbs my thoughts.

I look over the coffee table for the remote but it is not there. "Where is the remote?" I ask myself as I stand up from the couch and move around slowly to look for the remote.

Finally, I find it under the coffee table. As I bend down to pick up the remote, I hear someone's voice from the television and it makes my heart beats fast. I slowly stand up without taking the remote to see the person.

The person who is talking on the television has long brown hair and blue piercing eyes. She is talking in the microphone very boldly. I feel like I saw her before and I feel like she is somehow related to me very closely.

I close my eyes when her voice repeatedly echoes in my mind and I try to remember something but before that, my mind goes into the unknown dark and I fall over the couch helplessly.

Dean POV:

When I return to the house, I see Seth laying on the couch. I don't know whether he is sleeping on the couch or passed out on the couch. By his strange position, I'm sure something is wrong.

I place the bags on the coffee table before look at him. "Seth, baby.." I grab his cheek and shake him but he doesn't give any response. Panic overwhelms me when I see his unconscious state. I don't know what to do.

I let him lay on the couch and go to the kitchen to take some water. I return to him and lift his head to just lay it on my lap before spraying some water on his face.

I feel relief when he blinks his eyes slowly and looks up at me. "Dean," He leans forward and clings into me.

I know something has happened when I was not in the house. I need to know what it is. I slowly pull him away from me and look at him in the eyes, "Baby, what happened?"

He again clings into me and mumbles against my chest, "I don't know. I felt different when I saw a woman on the television."

I am confused when I heard that. "The lady on the television who made you feel different?" I ask as I stroke his hair slowly to give him some comfort.

He slowly lifts his head from my chest and looks over the television. I look at the television with him to know about the woman who he refers to. He then slowly looks at me and again clings into me, "I saw her on the television but now she was gone!"

"It's okay, we will talk about this later." I rub his back and think about the woman who he refers to now. Maybe it would be his family or his favorite. If it would be his family, I have a doubt, is his family that much rich to show on the television.

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