Chapter 28

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Dean POV:

I should have seen the similarities of Roman and Seth but to my bad, I was busy loving Seth and tried to escape from my loneliness. I don't know what to do now. I can't live without Seth because he is my everything in these few months. And, to be quite honest, I'm nothing without him.

I ruffle my hair and get off the bike frustratedly once I reach the house. I unlock the door and get into the house, still thinking about what to do in this situation. All I know is I should have noticed everything from the beginning but I lost at that time and I can't change it now.

It's not my fault to love him because I didn't go to his life on my own. And I wasn't the reason for his accident and this stupid amnesia. I have feelings for him and I hid it in my heart as much as I could, but he only brought it out a couple of days ago. It was too late to fix things now.

I palm my face and try not to show the confusion before opening the door for his room. A slight smile appears on my face as my eyes fall on the bed. There lays my boyfriend, dead to the world, on his stomach snoring softly.

His face is mushed into the pillow and he is hugging another pillow to his chest that I used to lie on the bed. The sheets are tangled around his legs so I sigh and move to the bed to wrap it on him comfortably.

I lean down to press a kiss on his forehead and stare at him. I'm so emotionally invested in him. That is why I feel my stomach churn in anxiousness when I know that Roman is his brother and he searches for him the entire place.

I slip out of my jacket and place it on the edge of the bed before laying next to him. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but the guilty in me doesn't let me. I roll onto his side and stare at him for a few moments, feeling ashamed of hiding his family from him.

I get off the bed without making any noise and go to the living room, laying on the couch. My mind haunts me for a few minutes and lets me have a sleep, showing pity on me finally.

A few hours later, I jump and wake up from the sleep when I feel something hit on my face. "Time to get up, you lazy ass! You fucking betrayed me by letting me not knew your presence." I smile when I hear Seth's voice above my head and groan, pulling the jacket over my head.

"Come on!" He whines and sits on my stomach, throwing light punches at my sides. "Dean!" He repeats my name each time as his fist touches me.

I know he won't stop acting like a child until I give attention to him. I remove the jacket off my face and look at him, "What do you want, baby?"

"It's time to wake up." He says with a grin. His smile always comforts me and makes me forget my difficulties in whatever situation I'm in.

My heart skips a beat in my chest when I notice him in front of me shirtless. He really has a nice body and I want to run my hands on his sides to feel him. I slap my head for that thought and avert my eyes from him. I scratch the back of my head and try to look at his eyes, "Where is your shirt?"

"I don't know," He frowns as he gets off of me and runs his hand over his hair. "I was fully dressed when I went to bed last night and I'm not sure what happened." He says as he throws his hands in the air in frustration.

I laugh at his cuteness and the next thing I know is he hit me with my jacket. "Hey," I shout and glare at him.

"Sorry, did that hit you?" He says with a smirk. "I was just trying to give it to you so we could look for my shirt."

"You're going to pay for this, baby!" I laugh and try to catch him as he runs to his room. "Baby, I'll catch you." I play with him as he stands on the side of the bed.

He gets on the bed and crawls across it to get away from me. We stand on opposite sides of the bed and grin at each other. I start to make my way around the bed when he tries to go over the bed again.

I jump onto the bed, grabbing him by his waist. I push him over so that he is laying on his back and I straddle on his hips. "Got you!" I say triumphantly.

"Asshole!" He laughs and tries to wiggle himself out from underneath me.

I grab his flailing arms and pin them above his head, stopping myself just inches short of my lips meeting his. I look into his eyes for a few minutes until I realize the position. I move away from him and sit beside him, thinking about how close I was making him uncomfortable.

I sigh and get up from the bed, searching for his shirt. I spend a few more minutes digging through the mess of blankets and pillows to find his shirt. I give the shirt to him and give him a slight smile.

He gets up on his feet and wraps his arms around me, "Thanks, Dean."

I feel really good and I run my hands on his exposed back carefully, making sure he doesn't feel uncomfortable. I pull him away from me and kiss his forehead, patting his cheek gently.

"I'll get a shower before you prepare a coffee for me." He says and leans down to press a kiss on my cheek.

I nod and make my way to the door but stop when I remember about his brother. I should tell him about his brother because it's his right to know about it. I won't let him accuse me of not letting him know about his family even if I know.

I turn to look at him and open my mouth to talk but close it without saying anything. Afraid of what if he leaves me and goes with his brother? I can't live a day without seeing his beautiful face. I'm not sure his parents will accept my love and give their son to this bartender.

"Did you have something to say, Dean?" He asks and interrupts my thoughts. He looks at me curiously and crosses his arms over his chest.

I shake my head and try to convince him, "No. I just make sure you're okay."

He smiles and nods at me. He picks some clothes from the closet and grabs a towel before making his way to the bathroom. He gives me a slight smile one last time and closes the door behind him.

I can't let him close the door of my heart just like he closed the door of the bathroom. Why don't I lock him in my heart and hide him there until his brother leaves this place? No! It's wrong, and it's mostly like I cheat on him in some other way. But if I don't take any step, I will lose him.

The whole situation makes me weak so I go to the living room and sit on the couch, thinking about what to do. Is it good if I have a talk with Roman, huh? Does he understand my love for his baby brother?

I can't take risks by telling him that Seth is with me and we are in love with each other. Maybe it has a chance that he will give me a disgusting look by thinking about using his amnesia brother. Then what can I do? Please, God! Just help me get out of this problem. I want Seth in my life with me, forever.

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