Chapter 40

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Colby POV:

I snap my eyes open and realize that everything around me is blurry. I blink my eyes a few times and roll them around without moving my head, peering around the dull room. Nothing gets to my mind clear, so I close my eyes and take some time to recall everything.

My body feels cold, but I feel my lips and throat are dry. I must have been sleeping deeply and snoring. What has made me wake up?

I blink a few more times and start to roll over slowly. Something isn't right, and I can feel it in the air. Something is telling me to tread lightly and cautiously.

As I turn my gaze to the right, I get startled by the black silhouette who is leaning against my side. A chilly feeling of terror shoots through my veins, but before I can even react, the intruder pins me down with his large hand clamp over my mouth.

The voice above my head whispers, "Don't scream."

Even in the terrible situation, I can feel myself relax in his voice, just slightly, although I have no clue who he is. I don't know why this person has kidnapped me. Maybe he planned to kill me. What other reason would he have to sneak up at my house and kidnap me?

"D-Don't kill me. I'm a pathetic guy who depends on my family, so you can't be a hero by killing someone like me. Please let me go.." I try to convince him and feel a little relieved when the pressure of the stranger's hand leaves from my face.

I squirm a little until my gaze lock on the icy blue eyes of a man. A confusion crosses on my mind when I realize what's going on here. "You?!" That's when I try to move my arms and realize they are tethered above me.

My eyes go wide as panic begins settling in me. "What the fuck? What's going on?! Why the hell you kidnapped me?" I spit out and hope he doesn't hear the slight tremor in my voice.

I recall the moment after I have left Roman's room last night and get tensed when I realize everything. I had Kevin with me when I returned to my room. What happened to him?

As I think about him, I feel a slight kick against my waist. My eyes turn to look at the small movement against me and realize that Kevin is with me. Didn't this intruder have a heart to at least leave my cute puppy?

"How dare you to kidnap him as well? Didn't your heart feel bad for kidnapping my Kevin?" I bark loud and try to get my hands free from the cuffs. I try to scream, but he covers my mouth with his hand.

Dean POV:

A palm over his mouth is the best I can do to quiet him for a few minutes while I take in my panicking captive. The peacefulness I have admired previously is replaced with blown-out pupils, ragged breathing, and straining arm muscles. I try to make sense of the situation, and it will all make sense for him soon.

"You talk too much, Seth," I say in a calm tone as possible and make him look at me for answers to unasked questions. I smile at that and hiss, "If you're going to listen to my words, I'll remove my hand from your mouth."

I think he will refuse for a long moment, but the quick and successive nods under my hand make me a little surprised. He nods his head without any hesitation, so I smile lightly, "Good."

I remove my hand from his mouth and make sure he doesn't try to move. He watches me carefully and calculates his situation like his mind tells. I can see the wheels working overtime in his head, the connections being made, the unfathomable confusion when no logical answer comes out of his mouth. But he is quiet, for now!

"I'm sorry for doing this," I breathe, feeling an apologetic smile creep to the corner of my mouth. "But you need to understand."

His mouth opens and closes a few times, gauging my reaction to the movement before he speaks. "W-What do I need to understand?"

"Seth-" I shake my head and start the conversation with his actual name to make the statement clear. "Colby, I'm Dean, and you're my Seth. And I preferred that name to you. We loved each other from the heart, but your brother took you away from me.."

He thinks about my words scrupulously before spilling the things, "I got it that you loved me, but I wouldn't have loved you. I didn't know who you're, then how could I?"

I laugh a little as I think about my situation because I shouldn't get angry with him. But he didn't get it. How could he not get it? The apologetic smile fades from my face as I get frustrated, "You still didn't understand."

He retreats against the bed as much as his current position will allow at the volatile reaction. "What do you want me to understand?" The question is careful, tentative, and quiet. He is willing to say whatever he can to appease me. That isn't what I wanted.

"I want you to understand my words, my love.." I say and stare into his eyes. I don't want to stress him out, but I have to make him understand everything before his family finds us and tries to separate us again.

"Okay! I understand!" He blurts out and tries to get up, forgetting that he is held by a cuff. He flops back on the bed and whines without giving his mind a chance to think about me, to think about us!

I smile softly and shake my head, "Lies. That's all you do."

"You have to let me go, Dean." He tries as if the simple statement can change what is already in place. "You've lost it, man."

I haven't lost my mind, so I just get up from the chair and say, "I'm sorry." I should give him some time to think and process everything. I have to let him handle the situation because it isn't right. He isn't right!

"Where are you going?!" He yells after me. "I'll scream until someone comes and looks for me."

I peer over my shoulder and laugh, "Scream all you want. Scream until you're blue in the face. No one can hear you out here. No one except me and Kevin!"

"You're sick!" He spits out and glares at me.

"And you don't get it," I mumble and stalk back to him, making him lay on the bed in a comfortable position. I place my hands on the mattress and grin at him as he instinctively pulls away. "This is for your own good. Soon you'll realize."

"Realize what? That you're insane? I've known that since I met you." He groans and looks away.

I smile and pat him on the cheek, not surprised at all when he pulls his face away from the touch. "Yeah, I know. But I was not insane from birth, and I changed into that since I was irrevocably in love with you."

The words tumbling from my mouth like they are the most natural thing in the world to mention. It feels good to say it to him, so I whirr, "And soon, you'll admit the same."

"That will never happen!" He affirms without any emotions. He starts to scream and curses me for kidnapping him, but I haven't given a damn and climb up the root cellar stairs, closing the door behind me. It's easy enough to ignore his screams.

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