Chapter 3

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Dean POV:

The night is cool and breezy which makes me shiver a bit in my leather jacket. I notice the window of the car is opened, so I close it and look at the man who is laying on my lap.

When Jey notices the 'hospital' signboard, he looks back at me, "Dean, just check him and find out his identity. Before we reach the hospital, we should inform his relatives about what happened."

I nod and check him but nothing I can find out, even his phone or any identity. "There is no evidence for his identity. What can we do?"

"Now you ask me, what can we do! I already told you, it's not our business but you didn't listen to any of my words. I think he just fought with his parents before he got an accident." He murmurs but I don't give any sense to his words, instead of holding the guy's hand and look at him.

I have probably never been more relieved in my life until we reach the hospital, a few minutes later. I get out of the car and quickly scoop up the guy in my arms and hurry inside the building, with Jey close behind me.

"I need a doctor!" I shout, making the staff look over at me in shock. "He got an accident. Please, help him."

A stretcher is immediately wheeled over to us, and the staff help me to place the guy down onto it. I and Jey follow them down a corridor and we stop further down.

"You have to wait here," The nurse says, gesturing to the seats. "You will be allowed to see him as soon as he is stable."

"We have urgent work so we need to go," Jey says and looks at me when I place my hand on his shoulder. He pulls my hand away from him and then looks back at her, "Do you understand? Please.."

"But-" She protests but sighs and nods when he pleads with her. "But you have to sign the form before you leave, then only we can start our work." She says and goes to take the form.

We argue until she comes and gives the form to me. "We don't have to do this!" Jey whispers in my ear but I refuse him and look at the form. I bite my lip nervously when I need to fill the guy's name because I know nothing about him.

"Please, sir. Just do it fast. If you take time too much, we are unable to save him." The nurse tells me. I shake my head and try to clear my mind. Thinking once before I step into it, but nothing is helped me.

I look around the hospital as I think about what name I can use to fill the form for the guy. Then I notice the name 'Seth Rogen' on the magazine in one of the chairs.

I sigh and fill the guy's name as 'Seth Rollins' before sign it. I also give her my address and phone number to inform me if anything. Then Jey takes me to the other doctor in the same hospital to take care of my arm before we leave.

I couldn't eat that night because my mind is thinking about that guy to know whether he is okay. I couldn't sleep that night but just lay on the bed, staring holes in the ceiling and try to get some sleep.

Morning comes way too early for me and I only managed to get a few minutes of sleep. I get up from the bed and take a quick shower and slip into my leather jacket and faded jeans before going out for breakfast.

When I lock the door of my house, I hear my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take my phone out and confusedly look at the unknown number. I finally hit the button and hold it to my ear, "Hello, it's Ambrose speaking."

"Ambrose, it's Doctor Cody from Rhodes Hospital." 

I am confused. Doctor? Why the doctor is calling me? Then I recognize why he calls me, about that guy. "Is anything serious?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just come to the hospital, now." The doctor says and hangs up the phone. His voice is a little bit tensed. Has anything bad happened?

I sigh and go to my bike and put on my helmet before start riding my bike. I thank Jimmy for taking my bike to my home last night otherwise, I don't know what would I do now.

I arrive at the hospital about half an hour after I received a call from the doctor. I shut off the engine and just pick out the right spot to stop my bike. I make my way inside and see a nurse, behind the counter.

I lean against the desk and look down at the woman sitting. "Hey.. umm.. I'm here to see a.. friend.." I say nervously.

"Name please.." She asks as she looks at the computer.

"Hmm.. Seth.. Seth Rollins." I am surprised that I recognize the name.

"Umm.. Yeah, he is in room 183, floor 2 to the left. You can take the elevator there." She points the elevator to me and I whisper 'thanks' to her.

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