Chapter 34

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Dean POV:

I look up at the sky in frustration as I sit on the pavement, thinking about Seth. I have seen him earlier at this place, but now it is empty. People stare at me weirdly as they cross by, but I don't care. How do they understand my love if he can't feel it?

My love for him is true so he can feel if I try my best and bring him back into my life. Maybe he could forget the moments we had shared, but I didn't forget any of it so I could make him remember our wonderful moments.

My gaze turns towards a car as it comes to me furiously. It's the same car where he has left earlier. I get up from the floor and take slow steps to the car, hoping he is coming here to see me and feeling sorry for the incident.

My hope breaks when a black-haired guy whom I have seen with him earlier gets out of the car frantically. He slams the door shut and gives me a wild look, "How dare you to touch my Colby?"

I stare at him in confusion and try to process his words, what he means to say. "Your Colby?!" I ask in disbelief and shake my head, not accepting his words. "He is my Seth. The name doesn't matter, but he is still my Seth!" I argue with him and try to make him understand what I'm saying.

He shoves me away slightly and grabs my collar forcefully, pulling me with him on face to face. "I'll kill you if you chase him again. I develop feelings for him since his high school so I won't let anyone between us. He is mine!" He grits his teeth and yells in my face.

"Where did you go when he got an accident and competed for his life? I didn't see your love took him where he was, did I?" I ask in anger, not wanting to scare at the moment. Why do I need to scare for telling the truth?

Suddenly I hear a loud growl when a fist connects to my jaw and I'm taking down on the ground. Another punch connects to my lips and I feel a coppery taste of blood on my tongue.

"I'll break your mouth for kissing him." He says and punches me again. He becomes insanely strong as time goes on so it makes me difficult to get away from him. "I didn't even dare to touch his shadow still now, but these lips.." He punches my mouth and temple repeatedly.

Even in my muddy state, I can hear everything that he is saying. I grab his wrists somehow and try to see his face through my blur vision, "It's not love, you idiot. It's lust!"

"How dare you talk to me like this?" He punches at my temple and hurts me badly. "If I had lust in him, I would force him, but I didn't do that. I'm the only one who has genuine feelings for him." He says and blinds by his anger.

I fling him off with sudden rage and make his body smack against the car, causing him to get a hit on the back of his head. I couldn't get over the words that he might force him. I beat the crap out of him until people separate us and force us to go away.

Roman POV:

"Ro! Get up!"

I blink my eyes slowly when I hear Colby's voice above my head. He crawls on top of me and pokes me in my ribcage. If he comes to disturb me in my sleep, there will be something he wants to share with me otherwise his head will burst out before morning.

"Colby! Cut that out." I grumble in my sleep-induced haze and swat his hand away. "What do you want, sweetheart?" I ask and remove his hands away from my face, wanting to know what is bothering him.

"I have to tell you something." He bites his lip nervously and gets off me, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Then tell me," I say and get up, leaning against his side. Does he want to share with me something serious? I grab his hand and rub his knuckles, noticing his ring has gone. "Did you pull your engagement ring out of your finger again?"

"Yeah, it scratched my skin." He shows his finger at me, which has a minor scratch there. "It doesn't matter, just leave it. I've another important thing to share with you. Earlier today, a guy came to me like wind and kissed me in front of AJ."

My eyes widen when I hear that because he is engaged. "What?! Who is that guy?" I ask him, wanting to know who is that fucker to misbehave with my brother.

"I don't know, but I can describe him. He has blonde messy hair and icy blue eyes that are big... No, small.." His words stop in his throat as he glances at me. He repeats the words again, "Big or small.."

"Hey, it's nothing." I convince him and pull him against my chest, stroking his hair. I could understand whom he was describing, but how did Dean find him? I have to do something to make him stay away from my brother because I can't believe him after what he has done to me.

I believed him with my whole heart and shared about everything, but he hid my brother from me and tried to take him away from me forever. I could forgive him if he didn't hide my brother from me even after he knew who Colby was. I can't have the heart to forgive someone who breaks my trust.

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