Chapter 19

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Dean POV:

I decide to take Seth outside instead of locking him in the house, so I call my friends to hang out a little in the morning. They accept and come to my house after a few minutes, then we take a ride in Jey's car to the destination that I have planned.

It's almost a half an hour ride before we get to our destination. I turn to see the cute Seth and he is pretty goddamn excited when Jey stops the car in the parking lot.

As we get out of the car, Seth looks back and forth between me and the looping sight of the rollercoasters, all of Luna Park that he can see. "For real?" He jumps excitedly and turns to watch the rollercoasters again.

"Yeah," I smile and grab his hand as we go inside. "Haven't really had a chance to take you anywhere fun so today I decided to get this cutie here." I pinch his cheek and give him a soft smile.

"Thank you." He says with a huge smile and lays his head on my shoulder.

I tuck the strand of hair behind his ear and remove the hat from my head to put it on his head. "Come on and enjoy this day as much as you want." I encourage him, but he frowns and looks at me with an unconvinced look on his face.

I don't know what happened to this kid now. "What do you want, sweetheart? Did I tell anything wrong?" I ask and take my sunglasses off, tucking them on my head.

He points my sunglasses and pouts, "I want that.."

I smile at his childish behavior and take the sunglasses off my head to put it on him. Then I notice what is happening around us. My friends cross their arms and give us a unique look, not knowing what to do with us.

I give them a small smile and walk passed them with Seth. I sigh and take him to the rides, paying for our wristbands. I hope he will enjoy this day and get free from his own thoughts.

The park is full and people everywhere so he intertwines his fingers into me and sticks as close to me as he can. "Where to first?" I ask, nearly drowned out by the crush of sound surrounding us, but he hears even if only faintly and grins as he looks around.

His eyes take in the rides and game booths surrounding us until it lands on the highest ride here. "That," He says, gesturing with our entwined hands.

The Thunderbolt looks insane, and he is full of nervous excitement as we get on the line. "You sure about this?" I ask and make sure he is comfortable.

"Oh, Yeah.." He nods and yells in excitement. "It's gonna be fucking awesome." He giggles and walks forward impatiently, not having the patience to wait for the exciting thing.

As we further moving into the line, I remember his amnesia and headaches so I stop him from moving. I don't want to take any risk in his health issues. I don't have the guts to see a single drop of tear from his eyes.

"Seth, I'm hungry so I'm going out to find any restaurant. Are you coming with me?" I try to distract him, but he shakes his head and moves with the line. I need to convince him because it's my fault to take him here. How could I forget his amnesia and take him here?

I know convincing him is not that much easy, but I know how to use tricks with him. "Okay, then I'm going. You can ride this thunderbolt with my friends." I say and go to Alexa, whispering in her ear the real reason.

She nods and understands the situation, playing along with me. "Alexa, take care of him. I'll be outside." I tell her and make my way out, hoping he will follow me. I wait for him outside but he doesn't come so I frustratedly make my way inside.

Seth POV:

As the line moves, I take each step slowly and turn to see Dean if he is coming, but he doesn't. I look at the cart when everyone takes their seat, and turn to check him whether he is coming.

My leg doesn't take another step without him so I run back to the entrance to see him but he is not there. Where would he go without me? He told me he would be here, but he doesn't. I look around the surroundings in search of him, but he is nowhere to be found.


When I hear that name, I feel like it's very related to me, so I turn to see who is calling that name. I look around to see the person but a group of people crash me as they go inside the park.

I rub my arms when it hurts a little, and get distracted. I forget myself as I stand here alone with no one near me. I jump when someone grabs my hand from behind and get relieved as I see Dean with a concerned face. Behind him, his friends give me an equal concerned look.

"Where did you go?" He asks and cups my cheeks with his hands. He has a mixed expression of concern and fear on his face.

I take his hands off my cheeks and pull him into a hug. "I came outside to see you, but you were not there. You know I was scared of losing you!" I murmur against his chest and hold him tightly.

He soothes my back to comfort me and takes me to the car with his friends following us behind. Then we go to Alexa's house and spend the evening happily. I hope my daily life will be like this, happy and satisfied.

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