Chapter 44

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Dean POV:

I feel exhausted and used after I clean my wounds with alcohol, but I remain to stay awake and consider giving Seth a blanket. The frost on the grass at the previous night is a sign to get pretty damn cold down here tonight, colder than before.

However, I remind myself every time to check out on him; I forget about everything and pass out on the bed when the cold air hits my exposed back. My body feels sore, so it can't take the little cold, at least.

The next morning when I wake up, I feel good and active, so I stretch my arms out and breathe the fresh air. I turn onto my back without thinking about the wounds, and it makes me wince a little.

I draw in a hitched breath as I roll over and grip the blanket tightly, trying to take the pain. As I'm getting relax, my mind thinks about him and his situation. Shit! I wonder how he fares in the cellar where the temperatures have pretty low regularly.

Climbing down the cellar steps, I shiver at the wall of cold touches on my bare skin. My breath is coming out in huffs of white as I descend the stairs. I find him curling on the bed in an attempt to keep warm as he gets shivering and dotting with goosebumps.

"Oh, God!" I gasp, clasping at my hair and beginning to pace. "I went too far. How could I forget about him?" I curse myself until I hear a sputtered moan that escapes from his lips. "Seth?!" I run over to him, hoping I can get more responses from him.

Another low moan. Oh, thank God! He is alive, but I have to keep him warm. I wrap my arms around him, giving my body heat and thinking about how to save him. I can't raise his body temperature too quickly by doing anything stupid because that will put him in heart failure.

"Come on, baby. Please open your eyes.." I whisper in his ear, rubbing his frozen skin. "Just open them, and I'll give you a nice warm bath."

His body is insensible, so it is leaching warmth from my skin. His lashes begin fluttering ever so slowly as it seems to work. "D-Dean!" He mumbles and cuddles closer to me, desperate for my warmth.

I know it won't be enough, so I sweep him up and carry him upstairs to my room. I can feel his breathing against my chest, and it gives me a sigh of relief. I take him to the tub as he fades in and out of consciousness.

I put him in the warm water and wait for him to speak something, but he doesn't. Instead, his teeth are chattering and bringing me to hope it will work. I sit on the edge of the tub and watch his face until he can keep his eyes open for longer.

I leave the bathroom and give him some privacy while managing the biggest fire in the fireplace. I stop putting the woods on the fire as I hear his footsteps toward me. I look up at him as he sits on the couch with Kevin, dressing in my sweatpants and tank top that I've placed on the bed for him.

I sit on the armchair across from him and watch him until he drifts into sleep. I walk over to my room and bring a comforter, covering his body with it. I sit as usual and admire him for a few minutes until my nerves calm and bring darkness to my eyes.

A few hours later, the room is so fucking cold to startle me awake. When had I fallen asleep? I try to remember the last things that have happened before I drift into sleep, and that is Seth.


My eyes shot open, and I jump to attention. I'm still in the armchair across from where I have left my captive, but there is nothing on the couch other than the empty blanket where he should be.

The door to the cabin is wide open, and snow has blown onto the floor, leaving about half an inch of cold wetness inside. He must have run with Kevin. "Fuck!" I stand on my feet immediately while panic beginning to set into me.

I'm not sure if it is because he has escaped, or he is now out there in the middle of a snowstorm with nothing around but hungry animals. It isn't like he can get to anyone because the nearest cabin is miles away. He will freeze to death for real this time before he even gets close to it.

Not even bothering to put a jacket on, I run out of the cabin with a thought of him

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Not even bothering to put a jacket on, I run out of the cabin with a thought of him. The snow is falling heavier and causing almost whiteout conditions, so I have to shield my eyes from the whipping wind. How long had he been out here? How far had he gotten? Is he even still alive at this point?

My mind wonders of him lying facedown in the snow where no one can find him until it melts. That shouldn't have happened! Instead of wondering like a stupid, I have to search for him fast and keep him safe.

There are indents in the snow where he must have run toward the tree line. It's not quite covered by the flurry of white, so I take that as a clue and ready to follow it. "Se-Colby!" I yell into the storm, hoping it will reach into his ears.

It isn't like I'm expecting him to respond, but I just try. I grumble angrily and grab a shovel by the side of the cabin before making my way. The snow is almost covering my knees, which makes me walking slow.

"Colby!" I yell again and grip the shovel tightly once I reach the tree line. "I won't let you leave me again!" I get annoyed as time goes on, hoping nothing bad will happen to him.

I continue to trudge through the wet slop, grateful for the trees that are blocking the wind. My shirt clings to my body while I'm shivering from the cold. I brush my soaked hair out of my eyes as I try to get an unobstructed view of the forest.

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