Chapter 24

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Dean POV:

"I'm gonna die," Seth whines for the umpteenth time and I have never been so tempted to get him off the bike. I easily made him sit on the bike to take him to the hospital for his coughing and sneezing after he was complaining about his sore throat but now he argues with me, not wanting to move.

"It's merely a cold," I grunt and grab his hand to take him inside. I try hard not to push him away as soon as his grabby hands sneak under my hoodie, the stiff fingers making me shiver. I would never guess that he will be so overly clingy when he is sick.

"No.." He drawls and I'm so amazed that he doesn't stop whining to catch his breath. "I'm gonna die and I can feel it." He whines as he holds me.

I sigh and half carry and half drag him to his room to put him on the bed. I take his shoes off because this kid won't move after he curls himself up in a tiny ball. When I have just thrown the second boot carelessly into a corner, his hand moves at the speed of light to grab me around my wrist.

"I love you." He mumbles and it makes me look at him unbelievably. I know he didn't mean it, but I finally heard the words that I want to hear it from his mouth. I can't help but smile, patting his cheek lightly, "I know."

"No," He shakes his head determinedly and pulls me down so I can sit next to him. It's not good enough for him though, because he forces himself to bend over until our noses are almost touching. "I love you. You should know before I die." He moves forward and rubs his nose with mine.

I really wish to record this special moment on the phone and watch whenever I want because I can't believe his mind what he just babbled. "You're not gonna die. It's just the flu." I try to make him understand but he pouts and wails, "My body is melting."

It gets even worse when he sits up and tries to shimmy out of his clothes. I sigh and put him back on the mattress, batting his fingers away so he will leave his stuff on. I really want to see him, but not in this way. I don't want to take advantage of him when he forgets himself.

I know nothing will work when he has amnesia on one side and flu on the other side. Both are bothering me than him. I can appreciate the amnesia because it only brought him to me, but I can't appreciate the flu like that.

No! I need to appreciate this also because it only brought the words from his mouth that I'm dying to hear for. My thoughts are interrupted when he lets out a protesting noise, hands roaming over his own body, tugging at the black cloth covering his supposedly scalding hot skin.

I can feel my forehead and it's not even that warm. He is completely exaggerating, "Someone throws me into hellfire. I swear I'm burning to ashes."

What the fuck I did to end up like this? Or better, what was in the injection that the doctor put him earlier turned him into a toddler? I look at the clock and it's time for me to go to the bar, but I can't leave him like this in the house.

I take my phone out and call Alexa to inform the situation that I'm in while covering his mouth with the freehand. I feel relieved when she says that she will take care of it. I look down at Seth and I'm sure tonight will end in blood if I hear him complain one more time about how he's gonna die.

I need to find a way how to shut him up. Before I say anything, he bites into my hand so he can be a drama queen once more. "Dean, I can't breathe." To emphasize his words, he coughs theatrically and holds his throat while his Bambi eyes beg me to take all his pain to go away.

I grab his shoulders and look at him in the eyes, "Just wait. I have something to bring you peace."

He nods and lays back on the bed, still holding his throat. I go to the kitchen and open the refrigerator to find a bottle of whiskey. I pour it in a glass and add a ginger ale in it for him.

I return to the room and give it to him. He gets it and drinks it with one long sip. After that, his bottom lip quivers violently and I can't believe that tears well up in those warm, brown eyes.

"You want me to die, right?" He pouts like a petulant child, kicking the covers off of him and try to take his clothes off.

I grab his hands and stops him from undressing. "Jesus Christ! Seth, for the last time, you're not dying." I yell in his face because I really can't wait until he has fallen asleep and the room will finally fall into silence.

"I might," He squeals, thrashing around in the bed before his body goes still and a mischievous smile crawls over his face. It scares me a bit until he adds, "But I can be cured."

"Thank God!" I sigh and feel a little relieved, but he chooses that exact moment to sneeze impressive eight times in a row. What's not so imposing is that he does it right at my face.

"Dean, marry me." A thin voice suddenly cuts through the air and I jerk my head around, not sure if I heard the right one. I know it's all because of that alcohol. I shouldn't give him the alcohol to calm him, but I did so I'm suffering now.

"Seth, you need to take some rest. We'll talk about this later." I stroke his hair and try to make him sleep but he cups my cheeks and drags my face down to him, "That means you don't want to marry me, right? Why won't you marry me? I remember the kiss you gave me that day so you should marry me."

My eyes widen when he said that he remembers the kiss. I calm myself when I realize it's all because of the alcohol. I hope he will forget everything once he drifts into sleep and wakes up the next morning.

"I'll be the best husband for you!" He says and looks at me with half-lidded eyes.

I really wish it's not fake because I'm longing for that moment. And I have no doubt that he will be my best husband. I look at him with loving eyes as he moans, voice shrill, and raspy. I really like his proposal, even if the time is wrong.

I remove the strand of hair from his face and lean down to press a kiss on his forehead. When I pull away from him, I notice him snore and sleep like a tiny kid. I smile and roll onto my side, thinking about this day.

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