Chapter 16

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Dean POV:

I get off my bike and look over the bar helplessly, not having the heart to go inside. I don't want to work today because my heart is still aching for Seth to see him. He didn't return to the house when I left for the bar.

I know Alexa would take care of him and dropped him at the house carefully but I don't feel good until I see him on my own. I mindlessly enter the bar and start my shift by helping Jey and Jimmy.

I take my phone out when I feel it vibrates in my jeans pocket. I smile when I get a text from Seth that he reached the home safely. I sigh and look over the guys who are standing face to face with each other.

I walk over to them and grab a strong muscular man from behind, trying to stop the fight. He pushes me away and stares at the other man who has long black hair that falls over his tattooed arm. I would never see him in this big town before.

I can't stop this fight on my own so I go to the behind and call the manager to stop the fight. The manager shouts and lets them have their own way without making any trouble.

A few minutes later, the man who has a tattooed arm, sits on one of the booths and holds his head. He looks like a good guy so I make my way to him to know whether he is okay.

"Hey, what a smart man like you doing in a dump like this?" I ask and try to know what is bothering him.

A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips, "The same thing everyone else is doing here."

"Everyone comes here for different reasons." I reply and throw my arms in the air, "Most come here to drown their sorrows."

"Maybe I have." He says and gives me a sad smile.

I watch him carefully, not knowing how to approach him. "And what sorrows might someone like you have?" I ask carefully and notice the expression changes in his face.

He takes his phone out and looks over something on it a few minutes before slipping it back to his pocket. "I lost someone who is very important to me." He answers honestly and sighs, "I think that's a good enough reason to have a drink."

I nod and give him a soft smile, "What sort of drink do you want?"

"Jack Daniels," He replies and looks around the bar. I pour the drink into a glass and give it to him. He takes a sip from his drink and asks, "What's your name, man?"

"Dean Ambrose. What's yours?" I ask as I pour the drink into another glass for him.

"Roman Reigns," He answers and grins at me. He is very friendly to talk so I just fold my arms across my chest as I lean against the counter and chat with him. I didn't realize the time goes fast but thanks to Roman to give me such a company.

I reach the home a little bit early to see Seth and find him sleeping on the bed peacefully. I sigh and lay beside him to give my body some rest. I drift into sleep as I look over his cute face.

I jump and wake up from the sleep when I feel a weight on top of me. I look at Seth as he straddles on my stomach. I don't know what made him wake up at this time. "Aren't you going to ask me how the beach was?" He pouts.

I look over the clock and take a deep breath before arguing with him, "Seth, it's three o'clock in the morning! Can't you wait until sunrise?"

He looks down and shakes his head, "Nah, I want to tell you now. It was awesome! I jumped in the sea water and enjoyed it well with Alexa. I think the sea water nearly ruined my hair though. I have to use so much conditioner to get it back, right?"

I close my eyes and turn off the bedside lamp. I have no time to chat with this kid because I need some peaceful sleep now. "Dean! Why did you turn off the light?" He still argues with me in the darkened room.

"Because I would like some sleep," I say and hope he will understand but I'm wrong. He hits my chest and whines, "You know you could be quite rude sometimes."

I look at him in shock. Yeah... I can still make out his features from the faint light coming through the window. I can't believe what I'm hearing from his mouth. "You're calling me rude? Well, that's fucking ironic." I argue with him.

"Well, you are." He pouts and starts to continue what he says before. "Anyways, I have to use at least three bottles of those mini conditioners that we have in the bathroom. So, will you help me to wash my hair in the morning?"

I hum in response to escape from the conversation and close my eyes to drift into sleep. I hope he doesn't wake me up until morning and let me have my peaceful sleep.

When I wake a few hours later, I find it strange that I have this weight on top of me. I look down to see a mass of dark brown curls on my chest. He has fallen asleep on top of me.

I carefully move him off my body and onto the bed. He looks so peaceful in his sleep that makes me stare at him for a few seconds before getting out of bed.

I stagger out into the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine. As soon as the coffee machine beeps that it is finished, he walks to the kitchen like it's his internal alarm.

"Morning," He says and grabs the cup of coffee that I offer to him.

I nod and pour the coffee in a cup for myself before taking a seat on the breakfast bar. I stare at him as he leans against the wall and takes a sip from his coffee.

I smile as I think about my life. I don't know whether it has happened for my good or bad but I really like him being around me. I don't want anyone comes between us.

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