Chapter 18

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Dean POV:

The day is moving very slow tonight. It doesn't move as I expected, so I feel bored. I look over Alexa when she signals me to bring a bottle of vodka. I go to the backroom to take vodka and pass it to her.

I sit in my usual position and watch the entrance whoever passing by. A smile curls onto my lips when I spot Roman entering the bar. He waves a hand at me and comes towards me.

He sits on one of the empty stools and sighs loudly. I am sure he has something on his mind, but he doesn't ready to spill it out. "Hey, what's with the long face?" I ask in a concerned tone.

His eyes move up to see my face and lit up slightly, "Just not in the mood today. Can I get some Jack?"

"Looking to drown your pain. Not a good thing to do, but if that's what you want, it's okay." I pour him a glass of Jack Daniels and watch as he takes the drink in one gulp.

I laugh as I think he is a drinker. He passes me the glass so I know he wants another shot. I pour him another, another and another. "If you don't mind, can I ask you what brought you here?" I ask softly and make sure he is okay with my question.

"I lost my baby brother, Colby." He sighs and stares the empty glass longingly.

I feel sorry for him, so I draw small circles on his back to comfort him. He holds his head and continues saying, "I searched him almost everywhere that I know, but I couldn't find him. My parents don't know that he is missing. If my brother does anything, he will tell me at least.."

I can feel the brotherhood between him and his brother. I hope he will find his brother soon. Maybe if I have any chance to help him, I will. Before I talk further with him, Jey calls me so I excuse myself to meet Jey.

"What Jey? Is anything important?" I ask and lean over the counter. I am sure there is nothing serious with his expression, but I don't know why he called me.

"Dean, we have a way to find Seth's parents!" He says excitedly, but I'm not excited about this.

"I have a friend in an investigation agency. He will gather Seth's details within a week if he sees him. So I think we can try this." He says and pats my back.

It makes me sick, so I close my eyes and think about Seth before agreeing with this. I know how much Seth misses his parents and gets suffered whenever he remembers something about them. If it's not for me, I need to accept this for him.

"Okay, get an appointment with him. I'll bring Seth there." I say and walk out of the kitchen. I don't want to stay there and discuss anything further. I don't know why, but I feel my heart aches for something.

When I return to see Roman, I find him left. I sigh and run my fingers through my messy blonde, not feeling well. I walk around mindlessly until the time gets reached to leave the bar.

Seth POV:

I wake up to the sound of Deanie barking at the other room. I don't know why he is barking at this time, maybe Dean would come. I get up from the bed and open the door to check it, but he is not there.

I go to Deanie and pet his head a few times to calm him. I look at the clock and it shows 2.14 am. It's time for Dean to reach home. I know he will eat something when he reaches home, so I want to prepare something for him.

I don't know how to cook, but it doesn't matter. Just put every ingredient in the pot and boil it, then some new item will come. What if he doesn't like the dish that I will prepare?

I try to shake the voice in the back of my mind because it disturbs me. I care for him as much as he cares for me, and I know how hungry he is at the current moment.

I take a deep breath and stretch out a little before going to the kitchen to prepare food for him. I look over the kitchen, not having the idea of where to start at first.

I start to rummage through the cupboards because I know Dean would put all the ingredients there. I pull open the corner of the flour, but the bag rips, causing a puff of white to land all over me.

I curse myself as I try to wipe some of the flour off my face. I begin to measure the flour out when I hear a loud laughing. I pause and wait for a minute to make sure I'm not dreaming, but sure enough, the laughing continued.

I try again to wipe the flour off, but I figure it is in vain. I clear the flour off my face just enough to see Dean leaning against the doorway with his hands deep in his pockets.

He pulls his hands out of his pockets and clasps his hands together as he walks to me. "What happened?" He looks around and reaches out his fingertips to wipe across my cheek, causing a hitch in my breath. 

"Sorry, I was trying to cook something for you but the flour exploded," I say awkwardly, not knowing what is going on in his mind.

He laughs and helps me to wipe the flour off my body. "I think you should take a shower." He grins and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Are you angry with me for wasting the flour?" I ask slowly as I walk with him to our room.

He stops and cups my cheek with his hands, "I'll never angry with you. You know what, I'm really happy for you!"

"Why?" I ask him with a confusion in my face because I didn't expect this.

"Because you tried to cook something for me! I have no one to care for me until you came here. I feel lonely until you stayed here. So thanks for everything!" He leans forward and presses a soft kiss on my forehead.

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