Chapter 22

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Dean POV:

I walk in the club; it isn't that packed at all. I hear a female screech and then feel someone is hugging me. I look down and see a small brunette, "Can I help you?" I ask, trying to break the hug.

"You must be Dean, Lexi told me a lot about you." The girl giggles and jumps up and down. "Don't get confused who I am, I'm Nikki Cross!" She tells as she notices the confusion on my face and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Where is Lexi?" She asks as she looks around the small place. "Doesn't she come yet?" She asks in a frustrated tone.

I nod and give her a soft smile before showing her a chair to take a seat. I sigh and take my place behind the bar, serving the customers until Jey comes to me and talks about his investigator friend.

I try to listen to Jey's words but my heart doesn't ready to leave Seth, so it doesn't take his words into my mind. "Say isn't that Seth?" He asks and jolts me out of thoughts as he points the entrance.

I look at the door and see Seth is entering with Alexa. My eyes widen as I see him here but he giggles and waves a hand at me, "Hey Dean!"

I run over to him and wrap my arms around him, not wanting him here. I cup his cheeks as I look around, "Why did you come here? I told you to go home and play with Deanie but you-"

He covers my mouth with his hand, "Hey, why are you overreacting? I want to see how you doing your job so I forced Alexa to take me here. I know nothing will happen to me when I'm with you." He leans down and presses a kiss on my cheek.

I nod and take him with me, making sure none of any pervert's eyes on him. He plays with his fingers and talks to Nikki Cross while I'm serving drinks. I can't take my eyes off of him as he is smiling cutely.

"Finn!" Jey calls from the kitchen so I look over the spot and find Finn is not there. I look around the place and find Becky is also missing. It does not even reach 12.00 pm, but the two of them already got missing.

I rub my head slightly and make my way to the kitchen to help Jey. Once I helped him, I return to my place and find Seth is missing. Where would he go? I look around the place with fear and start to search for him.

"I-I found... you!" I hear Seth's voice from behind as he lays his head on my back. I get stunned as I hear his voice in drunken. I grab his hand and hold him tightly, hoping nothing bad would happen.

"Baby, what happened? Who gave you the drinks?" I ask him as I rub his back softly, looking around the place.

"I.. felt thirty... I searched you but.. you.. were not there.. so I asked drinks.. to the man behind the bar." He holds me tightly and waves a hand at the people who are entering the club.

It's not safe he is here, so I tell Alexa and take him out. "D-Dean, where.. are we going?" He asks as he turns to look at the club.

"Home," I say as I put a helmet on his head, not wanting to talk with him here. As much as we get out of this place, it's safe for him and I need not fight with anyone for him.

The ride is long and quiet because he is laying on my back. He keeps his arms around my waist and mumbles something under his breath. His hands feel good as it travels down my thigh unexpectedly.

I pull his hands off me and get him off the bike carefully when we reach home. I take him inside and help him remove his jacket and sneakers off. I make him lay on the bed and stroke his hair slowly as I lay beside him.

I close my eyes and try to take a sleep but get disturbed when I feel an unexpected weight on me. I open my eyes and look at Seth as he hits my chest, "You're.. not allowed to sleep!"

I feel my mind is not with me at this moment as he gets up from me and grabs my hand to get me off the bed. I try to control him as the alcohol takes over his mind, "Baby, I'm sleepy so we get to sleep now and talk whatever in the morning."

"No," He shakes his head and pulls me to the bathroom. "Oops.." He giggles out drunkenly as he moves to shove me harder into the shower, turning on the cold water.

I don't know what's going on in his mind as he giggles out. A scowl starts to form on my face as my body shivers with the cold water. "Don't.. look at me... like that, it looks.. so rude." He stumbles back and regains his position.

Between being red and drunk, I am feeling rather pissed off. My back is pressed up against the wall, trying to contain the anger, simply because he is just being so giggly.

I watch him carefully, not caring about the shivering in my body as he reaches for the body wash. I shudder as I feel the combination of his hand lathering me up through my black t-shirt.

He is legitimately bathing me, but I'm still fully clothed. I'm uncertain in the mind if it is supposed to be an inmate or if he is just too far gone to know what he is doing.

Before I can control the noises that come from my mouth, a small groan leaves my lips. He giggles at the sound of the groan from me and pushes my hair back, not even caring that the soap can get into my eyes.

He looks up at me and smirks, "Do you like.. taking a shower with me? You waking up! We can play again, hm?"

I lose myself in his eyes and tuck his soaked hair behind his ear as he giggles at me. My eyes roaming to his eyes, to his lips before leaning down to press a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you," I murmur against his lips, kissing him again. I grip his hair roughly and kiss him with more passion, pressing him against the back wall of the shower. It doesn't take me long to realize what I'm doing.

I pull away from him and run my fingers through my hair, not knowing what to do now. He leans against me and lays his head on my shoulder, "I.. just wanted.. to make you wake up!"

Fear starts to overwhelm me as I think about what I did now. I move away from him and get out of the bathroom, not having the guts to face him. What would he think about me? What I will do if he leaves me? I can't live without him!

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