Chapter 20

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Roman POV:

I rub my face with my hands and try to calm myself before getting out of the car. I look over the club and go inside to see Dean, hoping my worries will be reduced once I talk to him about what happened earlier.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I look around the smallish area and find he is nowhere near. Instead of him, an orange-haired girl standing behind the bar with a scowl on her face while she serves the few patrons that are lined up there.

I slide in one of the booths and hold my head down while remembering the earlier events. "Hey Roman," I turn my head to the voice that I recognize immediately is talking to me from the opposite side of me.

"Hey Dean," I manage to say finally after a long while.

He grabs my regular drink and pours it in a glass, bringing it to me. He gives me a look when I drown my sorrows into the drink. He waits until I take the drink and put the glass on the bar.

"What happened, man? Did you get any news about your brother?" He asks in a concerned tone.

"Yeah.." I say through gritted teeth. I have anger on myself as I think about what happened earlier. I shouldn't let my brother left me after I saw him in months.

"That's good news! Then why did you look sad?" He asks, confused. His blue orbs search my eyes to know what would have happened. He rubs my arm to comfort me as I try to process everything before I spill it to him.

"I saw him earlier in the Luna Park but he got missed again before I reached him.." I say in a frustrated tone. I don't know how long I will keep this secret from my parents. If they know Colby is missing, they will blame me for letting him in this state for his project work. I need to find him before real trouble starts.

"Luna Park? I was there in the morning with my friends. I would help you find your brother if I knew him." He tells me, and I'm glad for that. Maybe he could help me if he knew about my brother.

I take my phone out to show my brother's photo to him, but stop when I get a call from my mom. "Sorry, Dean. I want to leave. I'll see you later." I give him the money for the drink and pat his shoulder before making my way out.

I attend the call as I make my way to the car. I enter the driver's seat and drive the car slowly as I continue to talk to her. I stop the car in the middle of the road when I know she got the news that I tried to hide it from her.

Dean POV:

It is late by the time I reach home, but Seth is still waked up for me, not having his beauty sleep. He gives me a hug and lets me sit on the couch with him in the living room, but I don't want this now because I'm fucking tired.

I really need a shower but I feel my bones are weak to go upstairs to my room so I barely kiss his cheek before heading to the guest room. I grab a towel and go to the bathroom.

I can barely stand on my feet but somehow manage to take off my jacket, t-shirt, and pants to toss them aside. Just as I'm about to remove my boxers, I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

"What the hell?" I yell and drop my arms beside me to stare at the crumpled up black t-shirt on the floor. I'm pretty sure I just saw that it was moved. Well, shit, I'm really exhausted. To the point where I am hallucinating now.

I move to pull down my boxers again, but gasp and take an instinctive step back when the t-shirt really moves towards me. What the fuck? A few seconds have passed, but nothing has happened as I stare at the t-shirt to see something peeking out from under it.

"Get yourself together." I huff and move to pick up the t-shirt, only to have something brownish dart out from underneath it.

"Shit!" I let out an undignified yelp and stumble back as I find out what it is. I catch myself before I land on my ass, but not even a second later I feel a sharp pain in my foot so I scream out, "Ow!"

I jump around the room on one foot, trying hard to shake off whatever is biting me. Once I finally manage to get it off of myself, I look down to find a brown and green thing charging towards me.

I jump on the bed behind me and glare at the creature. As the pain in my foot subsides, I let the whole thing that happened together and realize that the thing is actually a tortoise!

How could it be? It never happened before. I didn't hear tortoises invade people's houses. Then how could it enter my house and bite my foot? What if Seth took it here?

I slip the t-shirt over my head and cover my lower half with a blanket before calling him. "Seth, get in here," I yell from the bed as I have my eyes on the invader.

I hear the noises from the television have died down and the footsteps of him heading towards the room. "Hey, just watch out," I warn him as he enters the room paying no attention to the aggressive little monster on the floor.

"Do you know how did this little creature enter our house?" I hiss at him before pointing the tortoise.

His eyebrows furrow as he follows my finger. "Yeah... I only took him here." He says and walks to it, petting its head with care.

"Where did you get this?" I ask in a confused tone. I'm sure he wouldn't leave the house to buy this creature from the shop.

"From Alexa's house! I stole it from there so you don't tell her about it." He picks it up in his hands and lets it stay in the bathroom. How could I be careless when he brought it from her house?

"Baby, we need to give this back to her. She would search this in her house because it's hers." I convince him and make sure he will listen to my words, but he doesn't give a damn about it.

He frowns and crosses his arms over his chest, "Nah, it's mine. I won't give this back to her."

I shake my head and rub my face with my hands frustratedly. I know it can't be easy to convince him to give the tortoise back to Alexa. I need to use some tricks to get him back on track again. I will do something clever to make him give this creature to her on his own.

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