Chapter 23

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Dean POV:

I groan as I wake up from the sleep and put my legs down from the couch, stretching my arms and yawning a little. I palm my face and try to recall everything that happened last night. As I think about Seth, the fear clouds my mind again and starts to bother me.

I get up from the couch when I realize the mistake that I had done. I go to Seth's room and open the bathroom door to see him laying on the floor. Shit! How did I be so careless in his thing?

I have no time to think about it so I shake him to wake him up. He opens his eyes weakly and throws himself over me, shivering a little. "Sorry, baby." I pick him up in my arms and take him inside the bedroom.

I make him sit on the edge of the bed and grab a towel to dry his hair. When he clears his throat, the sound practically cuts the silence in half, making me flinch violently.

I know I'm only responsible for this. He is sick because of me, but that doesn't matter now since I can't change the past anymore. I need to take care of him until his cold leave him.

I move away from him and go to the closet to grab fresh clothing for him. I give the clothes to him and tell him to change while I'm preparing soup for him. I prepare soup and look over to the cupboard to find ginger. Maybe it will use if the soup doesn't work out.

I take a bowl of soup and go to his room. He has bunched the blankets up around him so all that his face is only visible. I can't help but laugh at his cuteness and give the soup to him.

While he drinks the soup, I rummage through the bedside drawer, drawing forth two small bottles and a pack of pills. I uncap the first vial and pour twelve drops into the cap and hand it to him.

His face wrinkles when he drinks the medicine for his sore throat and falls into a fit of coughing. As I prepare another set of drops for him, he asks, "How could I end up in the bathroom?"

I don't know what to tell so I look at him, trying to halt the subject. "How do I know if you don't remember anything?" I ask with a little guilty in my voice.

"Yeah.." He mumbles and leans his head on my shoulder.

I lose count of the drops that I have already in the cap so I swallow the medicine on myself without further adding. Can never hurt, right? I pour out an additional set and give the cap to him as he coughs again.

"Ugh.." He complains after swallowing it and instinctively bats my fingers away when I try to feel his forehead. I stare at him for a while and feel the heat and slight sheen of sweat on his skin.

I take care of him by giving a ginger ale and make him take some rest. I place my hand on his neck and feel the temperature of him while he is in deep sleep. Without disturbing him, I put a cold pack on his forehead and try to reduce his temperature before it has time to get ready for the club.

Seth POV:

I grab a muscular arm in a tight death grip as it places the hand on my forehead. "Ro, I'm fine." I slap his hand away and stare at his brown orbs as it looks down at me. I try to get up but he pushes me back on the bed.

"You have no work to do so get some rest now." He orders and pulls another blanket to cover me.

The shivering doesn't stop me even I wrap in two blankets so I pull him with me and bury my face in the crook of his neck. "You have a fever." He yells and tries to shove me away when he feels the temperature on my body.

"Nah, the room is sweltering. That's all." I pull his hand with me when it rummages on the bedside drawer. I pull the blanket even tighter around ourselves as he soothes my back.

My body throws up and wakes me up from sleep. I cough heavily and lean against the headboard, searching for Dean, but he is not here with me. I replay the dream in my mind and try to see the face of a man who took care of me, but I can't because his face is blurry in my dream.

I look at the clock and it shows 3.12 am. It's time for Dean to reach home so I don't want to think about anything to give him stress. I adjust the blanket and pull it over myself tightly, thinking about how did I end up in the bathroom.

As I think about it, I hear the sound of the door opening and it interrupts me from the thought. I give a soft smile and try to move when Dean enters the room. He holds his hand out and stops me from moving before coming to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and strokes my hair.

"I'm fine." I lie to him and lean my head against his shoulder. He holds me for a few minutes and pulls me away from him, bringing the pills out of nowhere. I swallow the pills and drink the water, wanting to get off the bitter taste on my tongue.

He pushes me back down on the bed slowly and readjusts the pillow under my neck. I close my eyes in the hope of getting some rest again and mumble, "I'm fine with you playing doctor."

"At least I'm good for one thing then." He replies sleepily and lies beside me. I don't know is there anything going on in his mind but more things going on in my mind and try to remember me something that I don't know.

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