Chapter 7

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Dean POV:

Jey comes to the hospital and pays the bills while I make Seth ready to leave. I take the prescription before I carefully place Seth in Jey's car and he takes us to my house. I thank him for everything before he goes to the bar.

I look at Seth who is grabbing the wall tightly while slowly lifting his leg as he looks around. I smile and place my hand on his shoulder before lifting him in a bridal style because I couldn't see him hurt himself.

He wraps his arms around my neck and I take him to the guest room and place him on the bed. "Just lay here, I'll be back," I say, before going to the living room and order Chinese foods for us.

An hour later, I am sitting on the bed with Seth and hold the spoon to his mouth. He is barely eaten more than a couple of bites, nibbling at the chow mien and the sweet and sour chicken.

His appetite seems to be similar. Although the food is delicious, probably one of the best places I have ordered from, but I'm not in the mood to eat actually because of thinking about him.

I smile and make him lay on the bed before taking the plates to the kitchen. I wash the plates before place them on the counter and dry the dishes and put the Chinese boxes in the nearly empty fridge.

When I go to my room, I remember that I want to give the medicine to him. I sigh as I go to his room and pick up the medicine from the bedside table and give it to him with a glass of water.

When he eats the medicine, I take the glass from him and place it on the table. "Well, it's already late, you should get some rest. You look exhausted."

He shakes his head and looks at the bedside table, "Nah, it's just only a little after nine so it's not that late at all."

I smile at his childish behavior and I know how to treat him. I notice the signs he is exhausted so I don't let him continue, "Don't fight with me."

I breathe, crossing my arms over my chest, smiling at the defiant look that he shoots at me. "Doctor's gonna kick my ass if I don't let you take your beauty sleep."

I am confused when he moves to one side of the bed and pulls the comforter over his body. He pats on the other side of the bed, "Okay, I'll sleep if you stay with me."

I shake my head, "I can't." I whimper pathetically and my throat suddenly gets tight. "I don't have the right to stay with you."

"Please, I don't want to be alone." He grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze. "I said 'no'!" I hiss, my voice cracking under the stress. I yank his hand away from me.

He whines in pain as he tries to move and grabs my hand again. I feel guilty slam into me. I walk to the other side of the bed and lay down under the sheets. He smiles and moves closer, his hand sliding over my chest.

He places his head comfortably on my chest, one leg wrapping over my closest one. "Thank you," He smiles once he has gotten settled. I give up and wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him close which makes him smile and sigh in a burst of happiness.

I feel his body is warm and heavy, which means his medicines are starting to take the effect. My own eyes are heavy and grow hard to hold open. I know that I need to let him go and make my way to my own bed, but it is hard for me to move my body now.

I think everything that had happened and realize how much importance I give to him. A few moments later, I feel him stir slightly against me. I let my gaze slowly slide over his sweet face and feel I want to protect him.

I have never thought and ever feel so strong for someone like this. I hold him a little closer and my eyelids become unbearably heavy. I tell myself that I need to get up but I couldn't move, because it feels so good to hold him like this.

Before I give it another think, I fall asleep, clinging to him just as tight as he is clinging to me and make sure not to hurt him.

The next morning, I flutter my eyes open just as the sun starts to peek over the horizon and gently streams into the bedroom. I feel heavy and a little disoriented.

My body is still tired, exhausted from the last night but the weight I carried on my shoulders seems to be slightly lifted. After a moment of remembering last night, my heart skips a beat as my eyes jerking to the side, looking over at his still happy sleeping face.

I lift the blankets, finding everything to be exactly how it has been when I had gone to sleep, all down to how he is clung to my side, one arm over my chest and our legs tangled. I sigh in relief and relax back into the bed.

I find one thing about him without he tells me that is, he is a cuddler. I haven't meant to fall asleep but it will be a lie to say that I didn't enjoy. Turning my head, I press a feather light kiss to his forehead while my free hand stroking over his cheek.

I pull away from him and try hard not to disturb him too much. Once my feet hit the cold floor, I smile and look over the beautiful man in the bed. I adjust the blanket over him and make sure he is comfortable before I walk away.

Pausing in the doorway, I look back at him again and the soft smile is still in his face. "Sleep well." I breathe, pulling the door to shut behind me.

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